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From: Jurgen Haan on 3 Jan 2007 09:17 Hi hi everyone. We have upgraded our DB2 LUW 8.2.1 which was directly installed from our DB2 CD's to DB2 LUW 8.2.6 (FP13). (system: HP DL385 (AMD64), single socket, dual core. 8GB memory. SLES 10. NetApp FAS250 storage array). This went quite well, but it rendered our permanent (legal) DB2 license invalid, and I can see of no way to get our environment up and running with FP13 installed. Is there someone who is familiar with the problem and someone who knows of any solutions? Additional info comming up: First, our DB2WSUE.LIC has been deemed valid by IBM support. **** db2licm -l on 8.2.6: Product Name = "DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition" Product Identifier = "DB2CONEE" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Expired" Concurrent Connect User Policy = "Disabled" Registered Connect User Policy = "Disabled" Enforcement Policy = "Soft Stop" Annotation = "" Other information = "" Product Name = "DB2 Personal Edition" Product Identifier = "DB2PE" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Expired" Annotation = "" Other information = "" Product Name = "DB2 Connect Personal Edition" Product Identifier = "DB2CONPE" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Expired" Annotation = "" Other information = "" Product Name = "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition" Product Identifier = "DB2ESE" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Expired" Registered Connect User Policy = "Disabled" Number Of Entitled Connect Users = "5" Enforcement Policy = "Soft Stop" Number of processors = "1" Number of licensed processors = "1" Database partitioning feature = "Not entitled" Annotation = "" Other information = "" Product Name = "DB2 Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition" Product Identifier = "DB2WSUE" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Permanent" Number of processors = "1" Number of licensed processors = "1" Annotation = "" Other information = "" Product Name = "DB2 Query Patroller" Product Identifier = "DB2QPSVR" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Expired" Number of processors = "1" Number of licensed processors = "1" Annotation = "" Other information = "" Product Name = "IBM DB2 Cube Views" Product Identifier = "DB2CUBE" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Expired" Number of processors = "1" Number of licensed processors = "1" Annotation = "" Other information = "" Product Name = "DB2 Universal Database Express Edition" Product Identifier = "DB2EXP" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Expired" Registered User Policy = "Disabled" Enforcement Policy = "Soft Stop" Number of processors = "1" Number of licensed processors = "2" Annotation = "" Other information = "" ****** The returned error db2inst(a)elmo:~> db2start 01/03/2007 15:14:49 0 0 SQL8000N DB2START processing failed; a valid product license was not found. SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019 ****** The entry returned by db2diag 2007-01-03- E10679G742 LEVEL: Error PID : 6954 TID : 4095866544 PROC : db2star2 INSTANCE: db2inst NODE : 000 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, licRequestAccess, probe:2 MESSAGE : ADM12008C The product "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition" does not have a valid license key installed and the evaluation period has expired. Functions specific to this product are not enabled. If you have licensed this product, please ensure the license key is properly installed. You can install the license via using License Center or db2licm command line utility. The license file can be obtained from your licensed product CD. Now... the above is kinda weird... Why do I see a complaint about a missing license on "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition?" Correct me if I'm wrong.. But DB2 FP13 for linux, there's only one version for all product versions, is there not? The license determines the way the package behaves? This is what I've been told from IBM support. And another question (to perhaps trace it back to IBM administration); Does DB2 check it's license against a server at IBM? a 'phone home'? I heard rumours about this being in DB2-9. Any help is highly appreciated. -R-
From: Jurgen Haan on 3 Jan 2007 10:30 > You appear to have valid DB2 WSUE license. You appear to have installed > (perhaps more than 90 days ago) DB2 ESE - whose license expired. > > Perhaps if you uninstall DB2 ESE and install DB2 WSUE - you will be back > to normal? > > Or - you can experiment with creating a new instance - of type WSUE - > and try to start it. Ty for your reply. That's the odd thing, I have never installed db2 ESE. And the 8.2.1 version I start with, if I execute a db2licm -l I get this output. db2inst(a)enterprise:~> db2licm -l Product Name = "DB2 Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition" Product Identifier = "DB2WSUE" Version Information = "8.2" Expiry Date = "Permanent" Number of processors = "1" Number of licensed processors = "1" Annotation = "" Other information = "" It's not until I install the fixpak, that those other expired things show up. I checked the installation steps, but I haven't seen anything that should configure the fixpak for use with a specific product. I also got a download link from IBM support with the fixpak I *should* use... But it gives me the same grief. I've dropped the instance several times (including deleting the db2inst directory and the /var/db2 directory), and to no success.. The same error after the instance has been created. Hmmm... experimenting with the instance types... I did that... db2icrt -u db2fenc -w 64 -s wse db2inst This is what I got back: db2inst(a)elmo:~> db2start SQL8008N The product "DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition" does not have a valid license key installed and the evaluation period has expired. Functions specific to this product are not enabled. SQL8008N The product "DB2 Personal Edition" does not have a valid license key installed and the evaluation period has expired. Functions specific to this product are not enabled. SQL8008N The product "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition" does not have a valid license key installed and the evaluation period has expired. Functions specific to this product are not enabled. SQL8008N The product "DB2 Universal Database Express Edition" does not have a valid license key installed and the evaluation period has expired. Functions specific to this product are not enabled. SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful. Although I see a lot of messages on licenses, the bottom one is the one that makes me happy :) And look at this: db2inst(a)elmo:~> db2 connect to test Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 8.2.6 SQL authorization ID = DB2INST Local database alias = TEST Nice... Is there perhaps any way I can get rid of those expired things? They are not removable with db2licm -r <name> Btw. Ty. for the great tip.
From: Jurgen Haan on 3 Jan 2007 11:18
> I presume you used this link: > > > Indeed... that's the link. On executing installfixpak -y, it seems it's installing *all* products. (the fixpack being a fixpack for all db2 versions). So we're getting closer to the source of the problem, but still not quite sure what's causing it. -R- |