From: Neil.W.James on
On 17/04/2010 07:36, The Magnet wrote:
> On Apr 16, 5:33 pm, John Hurley <hurleyjo...(a)> wrote:
>> On Apr 16, 6:03 pm, The Magnet <a...(a)> wrote:
>> snip
>>> Can you nest DECODE with different field criteria? Here is our
>>> DECODE(SUM(DECODE(subproduct_id, 238, 1, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY
>>> customer_id),0,'N','Y') ultimate_trader
>>> Now, with that, if the result is Y, meaning that they DO have this 238
>>> product, I want to see if they have a status = 'Active'. So, is there
>>> a way to implement yet another level, testing the status = 'Active' if
>>> the result of the above statement is 'Y'?
>> Did you try testing what you wanted to do?
>> Have you ever heard of inline views?
> Oh yeah, the hard part about this whole thing is that I need to
> PARTITION it by customer ID. So, within each partition I need to know
> if the customer has product 238 and if he does if the status is
> Active.
> All in one select. How fun.

The nested case suggested earlier sounds good.

But looking at it another way, aren't you wanting to know whether the
customer has a subproduct 238 or not. Sounds more like an existence test
- particularly since you're not interested in how many matches there are.

From: Maxim Demenko on
On 17.04.2010 00:03, The Magnet wrote:
> Can you nest DECODE with different field criteria? Here is our
> DECODE(SUM(DECODE(subproduct_id, 238, 1, 0)) OVER (PARTITION BY
> customer_id),0,'N','Y') ultimate_trader
> Now, with that, if the result is Y, meaning that they DO have this 238
> product, I want to see if they have a status = 'Active'. So, is there
> a way to implement yet another level, testing the status = 'Active' if
> the result of the above statement is 'Y'?

It is not clear for me, how looks your data and what is desired output.
So, here is my interpretation of your business logic:
If any particular record for a given customer_id has subproduct_id=238
and status='Active' - then all records for such customer should have
ultimate_trader='Y', otherwise 'N'.
If it is correct interpretation, then just replace a positive branch of
your decode with another decode (status test) - the same of course can
be done with case:

SQL> with t as (
2 select 1 customer_id,238 subproduct_id,'Active' status from dual
union all
3 select 1 ,238 ,'Passive' from dual union all
4 select 1 ,238 ,'Ignorant' from dual union all
5 select 1 ,238 ,'Excited' from dual union all
6 select 2 ,238 ,'Active' from dual union all
7 select 2 ,239 ,'Reactivated' from dual union all
8 select 2 ,233 ,'Unhappy' from dual union all
9 select 2 ,238 ,'Active' from dual union all
10 select 3 ,231 ,'Passive' from dual union all
11 select 3 ,238 ,'Ignorant' from dual union all
12 select 3 ,238 ,'Excited' from dual union all
13 select 3 ,232 ,'Active' from dual union all
14 select 3 ,234 ,'Reactivated' from dual union all
15 select 3 ,231 ,'Unhappy' from dual
16 )
17 select
18 t.*,
19 decode(sum(decode(subproduct_id,
20 238,
21 decode(status,'Active',1,0),
22 0)
23 )
24 over (partition by customer_id),0,'N','Y') ultimate_trader
25 from t
26 /

------------ -------------- ------------ ---------------
1 238 Passive Y
1 238 Active Y
1 238 Ignorant Y
1 238 Excited Y
2 239 Reactivated Y
2 238 Active Y
2 233 Unhappy Y
2 238 Active Y
3 231 Passive N
3 238 Ignorant N
3 238 Excited N
3 232 Active N
3 234 Reactivated N
3 231 Unhappy N

14 rows selected.

Best regards
