From: chetan kv on
Dear Sirs,

I am a student doing a project related to wind turbine. I need a help.

In the simulink demo of “Wind Farm (DFIG Phasor Model)”, the wind turbine is modelled using pitch control. As per the wind turbine aerodynamics used, for a wind speed of 14 m/s, the unregulated rotor speed must be 1.4 pu. In that model the DFIG speed is maintained at 1.21 pu by using the pitch control. My observation is that if the pitch control is disabled, the rotor speed is not maintained at 1.4 pu, and it keep on changing as time passes.

I am working with a model in which I need to get the maximum rotor speed corresponding to the wind speed. I tried to maintain the rotor speed steady by changing rotor inertia (H), friction factor (F), stator and rotor resistances, but without any result.

Can you help me to stabile the unregulated rotor speed of the DFIG (without pitch control) for each wind speed?

Kindly give me the mail ids of any sites or persons from where I can get some further help in this regard.

With thanks and kind regards,

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