From: kk KKsingh on
Corrected code! Although its still giving me wrong results ! It will be great if some one can have a look on it
In first loop i calculated DFT giving me correct result
In second loop Its DFT for irregular samples

clear all
close all
N=200; % Number sample points
M=(N-1)/2; %Number of frequency points
fo = 4; %frequency of the sine wave
Fs = 50; %sampling rate
Ts = 1/Fs; %sampling time interval
t = 0:Ts:Ts*(N-1); %sampling period
y = 2*sin(2*pi*fo*t);
deltaf=2*pi/(N*Ts);%Defining the grid size of Fourier domain
for k=1:length(m)
freq = (-j*(2*pi/(N))*(k-1));
Wnk = exp(freq.*(0:length(t)-1));

if mod(N,2)==0
k=-N/2:N/2-1; % N even
k=-(N-1)/2:(N-1)/2; % N odd


Y = fft(y);

title('DFT for Regular sampling')
title('FFT for Regular Sampling')

numberOfIndexes = length(t)
scrambledIndexes = randperm(numberOfIndexes)
halfOfTheIndexes = scrambledIndexes(1:floor(length(scrambledIndexes)/2));
halfOfTheIndexes = sort(halfOfTheIndexes)
yHalf = y(halfOfTheIndexes)
tHalf = t(halfOfTheIndexes)
plot(tHalf, yHalf)




for j=2:N1-1;
deltax_n(j,:)= deltax_n(j,:)+((tHalf(j+1)-tHalf(j-1))/2)

X1 = zeros(size(yHalf));
for k=1:N1
for j=1:N1
freq = (-1j*(2*pi/(N1*Ts))*(k-1));
Wnk = exp(freq.*tHalf(k));

if mod(N1,2)==0
k=-N1/2:N1/2-1; % N even
k=-(N1-1)/2:(N1-1)/2; % N odd

From: Rune Allnor on
On 21 Feb, 01:51, "kk KKsingh" <akikumar1...(a)> wrote:
> Just wondering any body has written DFT for the irregular samples...I wrote a code but its wrong some where !
> DFT for irregular samples are based on Reinmann sum method where instead of multiplying with dt we multiply we dt=t(n+1)-t(n-1)/2 and use original sample location t(n)

Plain wrong. I don't know what a 'Reinman sum' is, but I assume
you might have misspelled the name 'Riemann'. Now, like it or not,
but that's the kind of trivial mistake, blunder, flaw - call it
what you want - that has proved to be typical of your efforts.

> I apologise if you think that its a trivial problem! But i tried a lot to solve this

It *is* a trivial problem. You only need to understand what you
are doing. But it's utterly totally essential that you *do*
understand the basics.

From: kk KKsingh on

I am just trying to code a algorithm, I read in Paper ! And I was seeking some help in coding for that here is the detail of algorithm :

This is for Irregular samples, I am trying to code :


m=-M/2:M/2-1 [M is frequency point]

l_{n}=(t_{n}+t_{n-1})/2 is the midpoint between two samples

I am just trying to code above ! If you can tell me how to write it in matlab without blunder that will be great ! I tried above and didnt get the right answer,,,,I wrote a code below for this for missing sin samples but didnt get the answer ...I am sorry if its trivial for you

Rune Allnor <allnor(a)> wrote in message <24738d11-bf6b-4a3f-98b4-3c25d8fbd791(a)>...
> On 21 Feb, 01:51, "kk KKsingh" <akikumar1...(a)> wrote:
> > Just wondering any body has written DFT for the irregular samples...I wrote a code but its wrong some where !
> >
> > DFT for irregular samples are based on Reinmann sum method where instead of multiplying with dt we multiply we dt=t(n+1)-t(n-1)/2 and use original sample location t(n)
> Plain wrong. I don't know what a 'Reinman sum' is, but I assume
> you might have misspelled the name 'Riemann'. Now, like it or not,
> but that's the kind of trivial mistake, blunder, flaw - call it
> what you want - that has proved to be typical of your efforts.
> > I apologise if you think that its a trivial problem! But i tried a lot to solve this
> It *is* a trivial problem. You only need to understand what you
> are doing. But it's utterly totally essential that you *do*
> understand the basics.
> Rune
From: kk KKsingh on

There is t(n) not x(n)....Whole issue is this this algorithm gives best result for irregular samples in most of the IEEE paper i have seen ....And i am sure that i am making some mistake thats why seeking help
"kk KKsingh" <akikumar1983(a)> wrote in message <hlqr24$fc0$1(a)>...
> I am just trying to code a algorithm, I read in Paper ! And I was seeking some help in coding for that here is the detail of algorithm :
> This is for Irregular samples, I am trying to code :
> P=sum{n=0:N-1}x(n)exp(j*m*df*x(n))*delta_t
> df=2*pi/(N*dt)
> m=-M/2:M/2-1 [M is frequency point]
> l_{n}=(t_{n}+t_{n-1})/2 is the midpoint between two samples
> delta_t=l_(n+1)-l_{n}
> delta_t=t_{n+1}-t_{n-1}/2
> I am just trying to code above ! If you can tell me how to write it in matlab without blunder that will be great ! I tried above and didnt get the right answer,,,,I wrote a code below for this for missing sin samples but didnt get the answer ...I am sorry if its trivial for you
> Rune Allnor <allnor(a)> wrote in message <24738d11-bf6b-4a3f-98b4-3c25d8fbd791(a)>...
> > On 21 Feb, 01:51, "kk KKsingh" <akikumar1...(a)> wrote:
> > > Just wondering any body has written DFT for the irregular samples...I wrote a code but its wrong some where !
> > >
> > > DFT for irregular samples are based on Reinmann sum method where instead of multiplying with dt we multiply we dt=t(n+1)-t(n-1)/2 and use original sample location t(n)
> >
> > Plain wrong. I don't know what a 'Reinman sum' is, but I assume
> > you might have misspelled the name 'Riemann'. Now, like it or not,
> > but that's the kind of trivial mistake, blunder, flaw - call it
> > what you want - that has proved to be typical of your efforts.
> >
> > > I apologise if you think that its a trivial problem! But i tried a lot to solve this
> >
> > It *is* a trivial problem. You only need to understand what you
> > are doing. But it's utterly totally essential that you *do*
> > understand the basics.
> >
> > Rune
From: kk KKsingh on
Well, I think i am aware of basics but still i will try to correct the DFT basics if i am wrong, But if some body can guide me where i am wrong in writing the code for above ...It will help me a lot

Rune Allnor <allnor(a)> wrote in message <24738d11-bf6b-4a3f-98b4-3c25d8fbd791(a)>...
> On 21 Feb, 01:51, "kk KKsingh" <akikumar1...(a)> wrote:
> > Just wondering any body has written DFT for the irregular samples...I wrote a code but its wrong some where !
> >
> > DFT for irregular samples are based on Reinmann sum method where instead of multiplying with dt we multiply we dt=t(n+1)-t(n-1)/2 and use original sample location t(n)
> Plain wrong. I don't know what a 'Reinman sum' is, but I assume
> you might have misspelled the name 'Riemann'. Now, like it or not,
> but that's the kind of trivial mistake, blunder, flaw - call it
> what you want - that has proved to be typical of your efforts.
> > I apologise if you think that its a trivial problem! But i tried a lot to solve this
> It *is* a trivial problem. You only need to understand what you
> are doing. But it's utterly totally essential that you *do*
> understand the basics.
> Rune