From: astro mmi on
Hello everyone,
I am doing a DSP project.I want to know how I can go about with this:
I have a square wave.I should use the DFT eqns 2 and 3 to find a0,am,bm.Also,using eqn 1 I should reconstruct the original signal.Then,I have to plot the original and reconstructed signal.These eqns are recursive are'nt they?We are computing am and bm using xn and xn^ uses am and bm in it.I am not understanding how this can be done.Thanx in advance.

Xn^=a0/2+sum m=0 to M-1(am*cos(2*pi*m*n/N)+bm*sin(2*pi*m*n/N))---------------1
Am=(2/N)sum n=0 to N-1(xn*cos(2*pi*m*n/N)) 0<=m<=M-1----------------------2
Bm=(2/N)sum n=0 to N-1(xn*sin(2*pi*m*n/N)) 0<=m<=M-1--------------------3
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