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From: DC on 3 Feb 2010 05:49 I've posted this issue a couple of days ago, but I wasn't clear, so I'm trying again. I want to be able to bind a collection of "Rows" to a DataGridView para the public fields aren't fixed. If each "row" was made out of fixed public fields I know I could easily achieve this using BindingList. My class structure is as follows: I have a Field that exposes Name and Value attributes. Now, I also have a class Fields which is basically a collection of class Field as you can see: Fields : KeyedCollection<string, Field>. So far everything is fine. But now I want to implement a collection of Fields, which are Rows basically (something like a DataTable) that I can be able to bind easily to a DataGridView, with each datagriview column being one of my Field. I hope I was more clear this time. :) How can I achieve this? TIA |