From: Ts8060 on
I have CISCO 2800 router and I am using this router to send internet
to about 200 peoples With DHCP.
It was fine in some days. But last few days Router gives these errors
and Stopped to send internet. Errors are :

Error 1: %TCP-2-INVALIDTCB: Invalid TCB pointer: 0x46958718 -Process=
"DNS Server Input",
ipl= 0, pid= 221 -Traceback= 0x41259724 0x41A50418 0x41A540FC
0x41A281D4 0x41A2
D560 0x41416AEC 0x423CD6E4 0x423CD6C8

Error 2: *Dec 14 03:20:02.507: %DNSSERVER-3-UDPDNSOVERLOAD: Low
available memory: droppin
g <id# 14550> from <cli>.

I googled them and CISCO says My Router Memory is low. In my opinion
2800's Memory is enough for 200 people. I think there have another
Please help me how can i fix it.
And how can i see my router's available memory.
From: Martin Gallagher on
Ts8060 wrote:

> And how can i see my router's available memory.

show memory summary - look at the free and largest columns. If either is
really, really small you may have a problem.

show process memory - may give some clue about where your memory is going.

Reload your router - if available memory is big and the problem goes away
for for a while, then maybe you do have memory issue.