Hilbert transform FIR size Hi, I want to create a frequency shifter for audio. First I need to get an analytical signal via a hilbert transformer. I started by checking out how long the Hilbert FIR would be. Unfortunately I ended with 20ms, which seems to be related to -3dB at 50Hz (1/0.02). Isn't there another way to do that? I mean 20ms is a ... 8 Aug 2010 23:16
Tools to create ADSP Windows application SW? I'm currently developing a Windows program which is not only about ADSP but there's a part of program where I have to make filtering and calculations from WAV file. What tools there's out for that kind of job? I don't know exctly yet what I need. First I need to experiment different things. I have some ADSP knowl... 6 Aug 2010 11:32
book for window functions in dsp Hi!... I want to read abt window functions from scratch and also abt filters. Plz tell me the reference for the reading material and the names of the buks at the earliest. ... 6 Aug 2010 19:16
CCSDS Reed-solomon decoding- error evaluation Hi, I'm making a CCSDS reed-solomon decoder. I'm using the C code as written by Simon Rockliff (1991) as a starting point. The main feature of the CCSDS specification is that it uses alpha^11 as primitive element and generator polynomial roots are : alpha^(128-E) to alpha^(127+E), which makes the problem unusual. I... 6 Aug 2010 09:20
Bandwidth of a time-limited pure sinusoidal signal Hi Folks, I have a very basic question. I am little bit confused about how to know the bandwidth of a time-limited pure sinusoidal signal. I understand bandwidth is defined simply as the difference between highest frequency and lowest frequency, and the bandwidth of a infinitely long pure sinusoid if 0 Hz. But if I ... 7 Aug 2010 17:59
CIC Filter Length I am reading about CIC filters used for an Sigma Delta converter. In that the author mentions that - For a 2nd order filter, decimating by N, the length of the impulse response is 2N+1 - For a 3rd order filter, decimating by N, the length of the impulse response is 3N. - For a 4th order filter, decimating by ... 7 Aug 2010 08:14
CIC Filter Length I am reading about CIC filters used for an Sigma Delta converter. In that the author mentions that - For a 2nd order filter, decimating by N, the length of the impulse response is 2N+1 - For a 3rd order filter, decimating by N, the length of the impulse response is 3N. - For a 4th order filter, decimating by ... 5 Aug 2010 16:53
number of iterations in cordic Hello Can somebody please tell me how to compute the optimum number of iteration for a given accuracy in a cordic algorithm and the relatioship between the wordlength and the number of iterations. Thanks aley ... 5 Aug 2010 15:45
Tangled up with Shaonnon Bound Probably due to poor math skills, I am having a problem reconciling two aspects of the Shannon limit. see: http://www.digitalsignallabs.com/shannonlimit.pdf written by Randy who I see here frequently.. Aspect 1) Using Eq 3 and Fig 1, one would conclude that -1.6 dB Eb/No is the worst channel that is usab... 5 Aug 2010 22:28
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