From: Aurele JAMI on 17 Jun 2010 10:04 Hi all, I've created a simulink model able to acquire real time sounds with an important overlap and -also in real time- able to do different operations and everything is working fine ! What I'm looking for is to create the same function but in MatLab. I have some problems because of the real time buffering. How can I create an overlap ('buffer') and analyse each of those frames in real time while the acquisition continues...?! Here is my script : AI = analoginput('winsound'); chan = addchannel(AI,1); chans = addchannel(AI,2); Fech = 8000; % Sample Rate d = 20; % parameters l = 1.5; % parameters set(AI,'SampleRate',Fech); Fe = get(AI,'SampleRate'); set(AI,'TriggerRepeat',inf); start(AI); AI1=getdata(AI,l*Fe*(d-1),'double'); AI2=AI1(:,2); %Only interested by the 2nd channel %-------------------- % buffering | AIbuff = buffer(AI2,l*d*Fe,l*Fe*(d-1)); Followed by a few analyses... I hope I've been as clear as possible and I'll be pleased to answer to any questions. Aurèle.
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