From: Dave Everett on
Hello, I'm trying to generate a formal Data Distionary in the Matlab Workspace. So far I can easily assign mpt signals and parameters to the Matlab base classes (uint8, boolean etc.) but when I attempt to assign one to an emumeration I have problems specifying the minimum and maximum in terms of enumeration members.

For example, I can set the signal with:

DayOfTheWeek = mpt.Signal ;
DayOfTheWeek.RTWInfo.StorageClass = 'Auto' ;
DayOfTheWeek.Dimensions = 1 ;
DayOfTheWeek.DataType = 'eDayOfTheWeek' ;
DayOfTheWeek.Description = 'Current Weekday' ;
DayOfTheWeek.Max = int8 (eDayOfTheWeek.Sunday) ;
DayOfTheWeek.Min = int8 (eDayOfTheWeek.Monday) ;
DayOfTheWeek.DocUnits = 'Days' ;
DayOfTheWeek.InitialValue = 'Monday' ;

But when I look at the workspace signal I see a minumum of 0 and a maximum of 6. Although this is programatically correct I would like the dictionary to indicate limits based on the enumeration.

Any pointers or feedback would be appreciated.

- Dave