From: Sumeer on
Hi Guys,
I have a matrix in Matlab that stores the different properties of structural members that I am using for an analysis program that I am writing in Matlab for an engineering project. The file usually resides in excel and consists of numerical and non-numerical values. One of the aims of my programme is to give users the ability to choose which member they would like to include in the analysis. How would I go about doing this in the most efficient manner?

One method I was considering theoretically is:
[610UB125 125.0 612 229 19.6 11.9 14.0 572 48.1 5.54 16000
610UB113 113.0 607 228 17.3 11.2 14.0 572 51.1 6.27 14500
610UB101 101.0 602 228 14.8 10.6 14.0 572 54 7.34 13000
530UB92.4 92.4 533 209 15.6 10.2 14.0 502 49.2 6.37 11800
530UB82.0 82.0 528 209 13.2 9.6 14.0 502 52.3 7.55 10500
460UB82.1 82.1 460 191 16.0 9.9 11.4 428 43.3 5.66 10500
460UB74.6 74.6 457 190 14.5 9.1 11.4 428 47.1 6.24 9520]

memberchoice= input ('What member would you like to analyse? 610UB125?460UB74.6?')
chosen= ismember(propertiesmatrix, memberchoice);

With "chosen" then providing me the row location of my needed variables. How do I then extract the different values from the matrix and assign them to variables. I'm stuck at this spot.

Problems I have come across with this so far: I can't seem to combine both numerical and non-numerical values into one array. I've split the non-numerical (names of the members into a column array but its adding another step in the conversion process.

Sorry for the long post, hope it makes sense.