From: Scott Bass on

Before I reinvent a perfectly round wheel, does anyone know of any
macro/.Net/Java/etc. application that will build a data dictionary similar
to javadoc output?

I'm envisioning upper left frame containing librefs, lower left frame
containing datasets/views/catalogs/etc, right frame main information frame.

Click a libref, info about the libref shows in the info frame, and lower
left frame displays the objects in the library, such as datasets.

Click a dataset, info about the columns shows in the info frame.

Really cool feature would be searching/filtering on which datasets contain
column foo, whether foo had the same attributes in all datasets, etc.

I know there's a plugin to DIS (it may still only be internal to SAS) that
will build this from metadata, but I want to build this output from the
libraries themselves.

I wouldn't think this would be too hard to build, but hoped someone had done
the work previously so I could "borrow" it :-)
