From: Nandan Sawant on
Here is a de-interlacing AVI script that works with mmreader function.
Few people had asked about this on some earlier thread.
This code runs successfully.

% This Program is Capable deinterlacing AVI video of the european
% format (720 x 576, 25 fps). The Even and Odd fields are saved as
% in a new AVI file. Essientially everything remains the same as the
% original video except the frame rate and number of frames is

% Author: Michael Egger, 2007
% Modified by: Nandan Sawant, 2010

% Modifications make this script compatible with mmreader instead of
% aviread.

% Load File for Splitting

[name, path] = uigetfile('*.avi');
namepath = [path, name];
vid = mmreader(namepath);

numFrames = get(vid, 'numberOfFrames');
Fps = get(vid, 'FrameRate');

hfm = repmat(rot90([0, 1]), 288, 720);
output = cat(3, hfm, hfm, hfm);

% Split Frames to Odd and Even Frames --> With Resizing
h = waitbar(0, 'Reshaping Process... Please wait...');
for i = 1 : numFrames
var = read(vid,i);
out22{i} = imresize(reshape(var(output >0), [], 720, 3), [576
out33{i} = imresize(reshape(var(output <1), [], 720, 3), [576
h = waitbar(i/numFrames);

% Generate Output-File
[FileName,PathName] = uiputfile('*.avi','Please Select Output-File',
outvid = avifile(FileName);

% Set Output-File Parameters (change as necessary)
outvid.Quality = 100;
outvid.Compression = 'None'
outvid.Fps = 2*Fps;

% Recombine Split-Frames to Output-Video
h = waitbar(0, 'Saving Output-File... Please wait...');
for j = 1 : numFrames
outvid = addframe(outvid, im2frame(out33{j}));
outvid = addframe(outvid, im2frame(out22{j}));
h = waitbar(numFrames);

% Write Output to File
outvid = close(outvid);
From: witek on

Alternatively, if you have access to the Video and Image Processing blockset,
you can use the video.Deinterlacer System object to deinterlace your video.

>> help video.Deinterlacer
Deinterlacer Remove motion artifacts by deinterlacing input video signal
HDINT = video.Deinterlacer returns a deinterlacing System object,
HDINT, that removes motion artifacts from images composed of weaved
top and bottom fields of an interlaced signal.

Additionally, you may find: video.MultimediaFileWriter and video.MultimediaFileReader
useful in the process of reading and writing your video.



Nandan Sawant <nonedonesawant(a)> wrote:
> Here is a de-interlacing AVI script that works with mmreader function.
> Few people had asked about this on some earlier thread.
> This code runs successfully.
> % This Program is Capable deinterlacing AVI video of the european
> % format (720 x 576, 25 fps). The Even and Odd fields are saved as
> frames
> % in a new AVI file. Essientially everything remains the same as the
> % original video except the frame rate and number of frames is
> doubled.
> % Author: Michael Egger, 2007
> % Modified by: Nandan Sawant, 2010
> % Modifications make this script compatible with mmreader instead of
> % aviread.
> % Load File for Splitting
> [name, path] = uigetfile('*.avi');
> namepath = [path, name];
> vid = mmreader(namepath);
> numFrames = get(vid, 'numberOfFrames');
> Fps = get(vid, 'FrameRate');
> hfm = repmat(rot90([0, 1]), 288, 720);
> output = cat(3, hfm, hfm, hfm);
> % Split Frames to Odd and Even Frames --> With Resizing
> h = waitbar(0, 'Reshaping Process... Please wait...');
> for i = 1 : numFrames
> var = read(vid,i);
> out22{i} = imresize(reshape(var(output >0), [], 720, 3), [576
> 720]);
> out33{i} = imresize(reshape(var(output <1), [], 720, 3), [576
> 720]);
> h = waitbar(i/numFrames);
> end
> close(h);
> % Generate Output-File
> [FileName,PathName] = uiputfile('*.avi','Please Select Output-File',
> 'DefaultName')
> outvid = avifile(FileName);
> % Set Output-File Parameters (change as necessary)
> outvid.Quality = 100;
> outvid.Compression = 'None'
> outvid.Fps = 2*Fps;
> % Recombine Split-Frames to Output-Video
> h = waitbar(0, 'Saving Output-File... Please wait...');
> for j = 1 : numFrames
> outvid = addframe(outvid, im2frame(out33{j}));
> outvid = addframe(outvid, im2frame(out22{j}));
> h = waitbar(numFrames);
> end
> close(h);
> % Write Output to File
> outvid = close(outvid);