From: Priom Rahman on
Hi Carl,

Thank you for your post, Learing something new everyday !!

I didnt know how to just make a martix of dates in matlab, so I just did it in excel, and saved it as a "date_mat" and brought it over to matlab. (Good thing I only need to do this once !!)

Afterwhich I used this code:
%%%%%%%%%%%%% specify j counter as 1
j = 1;
%K = 1 to total size of dates
for k =1:size(date_mat,1)
% Current date on the date matrix
cdate1 = datenum(date_mat(k,1), date_mat(k,2), date_mat(k,3));
% Current date in record
cdate2 = datenum(Rain_frag(j,1), Rain_frag(j,2), Rain_frag(j,3));
if cdate1 == cdate2
ObsRainSAcom_frag(k,4:244) = Rain_frag(j,4:244);
j = j+1;


this gave me the middle result i needed to go ahead and class all my rain (same results as yours)

I tried your code, and it look 0.05 seconds as oppsed to the 2.5 seconds for mine. So 50 times better !

Thank you for replying, I now know how to do it in matlab - I guess it was hard to look for something in help when I didnt really know what to look up.

