From: Richard Webb on
George writes:

> you give the person who is PAYING you what ever show they want
> you tell the artists you are working for the event producer and
> to work out the issues with them and you wil be happy to do
> what ever THE PERSON WHO HIRED you asks
> but you simply can not take requests from anyone else

INdeed. OFten on these gigs that were organized by the
nonprofit for whatever purpose I'd remind the "diva" act
that they were the folks who didn't show up at the planning
meeting for all the acts, and the ones who didn't bring me
an input list or stage plot. NOw they want special
treatment. We'll endeavor to get your back line onstage and ready to play in the usual time allotted for changeover, but you haven't made our jobs, or yours any easier by refusing
to cooperate.

I tell anyone we hire that if there's ever a conflict with
any other production element that if we're paying their wage for the day they kick it to us, and chances are good we're
going to kick it upstairs to the person writing our check.

I find the "diva" acts often are those who fail to
coopperate at the most basic level, usually thinking they
should be treated as headliners at all times.

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