From: Joseph M. Newcomer on
If you don't have two monitors (and a two-monitor system is so cheap that it is worth the
expense if you are debugging graphics), if you make VS and the app non-overlapping you can
do it on one monitor, but it is very inconvenient.

Note that you might want to consider

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define GDI_FLUSH() GdiFlush()
#define GDI_FLUSH()

then toss in a GDI_FLUSH() after each GDI call. This forces the graphics to draw, making
debugging graphics when you are single-stepping a LOT easier! You get to see the results
of a GDI call immediately, instead of when GDI feels like showing you.

On Fri, 28 May 2010 08:31:25 -0700 (PDT), "John H." <oldman_fromthec(a)> wrote:

>jc wrote:
>> Yes, we tried stepping through the code with the
>> debugger, but it is extremely difficult to catch a "paint"
>> problem. We have no dynamically allocated memory.
>Yes, things can get tricky there. One thing I have found that helps
>is to have dual monitors, so that the working with the IDE on one
>monitor doesn't force repainting to occur in the app that is running
>on the other.
Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
email: newcomer(a)
MVP Tips: