From: Ted Byers on
On May 13, 5:56 pm, "C.DeRykus" <dery...(a)> wrote:
> On May 13, 11:56 am, Ted Byers <> wrote:
> > On May 13, 2:03 pm, "C.DeRykus" <dery...(a)> wrote:
> > > On May 13, 10:10 am, Ted Byers <> wrote:
> > > > I have done all the usual things (as specified in the FAQ), and more,
> > > > but it isn't enough.
> > > > Here is how my script starts:
> > > > use strict;
> > > > use warnings;
> > > > use DBI;
> > > > use DateTime::Format::MySQL;
> > > > use Date::Manip;
> > > > use DateTime::Format::DateManip;
> > > > BEGIN {
> > > >             $SIG{__WARN__} = sub{ print STDERR "Perl: ", @_; };
> > > >             $SIG{__DIE__}  = sub{ print STDERR "Perl: ", @_; exit 1};
> > > > }
> > > > $| = 1;
> > > > In the body of the script, this script does very little except make a
> > > > DB connection, place the values from the record set that results from
> > > > a trivial select query into a variable, and then prints it.  Then all
> > > > handles are closed and the progrma ends.  The error actually arises
> > > > after the last statement (and does not appear in ANY of my other
> > > > scripts that use the packes listed above).
> > > > Here is the error statement I get:
> > > > Perl: Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at C:/Perl/site/
> > > > lib/Win32/ line 1485, <DATA> line 335 during global
> > > > destruction.
> > > > At no time have I made direct use of the file mentioned, so it must be
> > > > something one of the above packages has done.  However, there is no
> > > > information provided as to what happened that led to this error.  It
> > > > does not even say what object is being destructed or what package
> > > > created, or failed to create, it.
> > > > How can I modify the signal handling I set up above so that I can get
> > > > this information?
> > > Here's an purported cure:
> > >    END { $^W = 0; }
> > Alas, the purported cure "END { $^W = 0; }" doesn't work in this
> > instance (unless I used it incorrectly).  In any event, do you know
> > how that purported cure is supposed to work?
> I thought I recalled seeing the error/cure once before.
> But, here's a thread that suggests just wrapping the
> disconnect. Their error output is virtually the same:
> { $^W = 0; $dbh->disconnect }
>   perl
>          DBI::db=HASH(0x8f68e40) trace level set to 9 in
>          ...
>           <- DESTROY= undef at unknown location!
>           (in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
>            undefined value at
>             C:/opt/perl/site/lib/Win32/
>             line 1486 during global destruction.
> > I am using ActiveSate's perl (v5.10.0) on Windows, and have examined
> > each of the tools I thought might have something useful, but either
> > they didn't have something that would answer my question or I didn't
> > understand the documentation.
> > Almost a decade ago, I wrote a C++ template class that I used to wrap
> > all exception classes and, using RTTI, I made exceptions traceable,
> > including not only the line and file of the source code where the
> > exception arose but also the class affected and all functions applied
> > to it from the time an instance of the class was created to the time
> > the exception was produced; and this in addition to a simple call
> > stack.  This proved priceless in debugging my own code (and
> > identifying cases where I was hit by a bug in one or another of the
> > libraries I used, so I could focus on finding a work-around rather
> > than seeking a bug that didn't exist in my code).  But, it was  useful
> > only when I could compile it into my code which normally meant my own
> > code only.  Alas, it relied on compiler specific macros in addition to
> > a couple of my own, and the language has changed since I did that.
> > Anyway, in addition to making this specific error go away, what I
> > really need is something I can include at the top of my script and
> > have it produce info about any object the script makes (whether
> > explicitly or indirectly as part of the internals of a package that
> > had been included), and what happens to it, but prints this info only
> > if that object is involved in an error: basically a perl equivalent of
> > the traceable exceptions I'd made in C++ so very long ago.  
> > ...
> If this new cure doesn't work, you might try one of DBI's
> higher trace settings too as they demo in the thread.
> --
> Charles DeRykus

OK, Combining Steve's suggestion (with teh suggested ammendment
regarding '&;), with yours, at trace level 10, I get the following
output AFTER all my source code has been executed correctly:

>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::st=HASH(0x242e39c) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
<> DESTROY(DBI::st=HASH(0x242e39c)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc) has ref cnt 1)
>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
-> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc)~INNER)
<- DESTROY= undef
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (sth 0x2e48dcc, com 0x24459b4, imp
FLAGS 0x180191: COMSET Warn RaiseError PrintError PrintWarn
PARENT DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec)
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
dbih_clearcom 0x2e48dcc (com 0x24459b4, type 3) done.

>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e6ac) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
<> DESTROY(DBI::db=HASH(0x242e6ac)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec) has ref cnt 1)
>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
-> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec)~INNER)
imp_dbh->pmysql: 242864c
<- DESTROY= undef
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (dbh 0x242e7ec, com 0x245a44c, imp
FLAGS 0x180391: COMSET Warn RaiseError PrintError PrintWarn
PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c)
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
IMP_DATA HASH(0x242e78c)
dbih_clearcom 0x242e7ec (com 0x245a44c, type 2) done.

-- DBI::END ($@: , $!: )
>> disconnect_all DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4) rc1/3 @1 g0
ima801 pid#18652) at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 731 via at k:/
Projects/NewRiskModel/ line 0
-> disconnect_all for DBD::mysql::dr
(DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4)~0x242ec9c) thr#3424c
<- disconnect_all= (not implemented) at C:/Perl/site/lib/
line 731 via at k:/Projects/NewRiskModel/ line 0
! >> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652) during global destruction
! <> DESTROY(DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c) has ref cnt 1)
! >> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652) during global destruction
! -> DESTROY in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::dr
(DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c)~INNER) thr#3424c
! <- DESTROY= undef during global destruction
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (drh 0x242ec9c, com 0x23f95d4, imp global
FLAGS 0x100215: COMSET Active Warn PrintWarn AutoCommit
PARENT undef
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
dbih_clearcom 0x242ec9c (com 0x23f95d4, type 1) done.

k:/Projects/NewRiskModel/, (eval), k:/Projects/
NewRiskModel/, Win32::TieRegistry::DESTROY, C:/
Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485
(eval), C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485

Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at C:/Perl/site/lib/
Win32/ line 1485, &#60;DATA&#62; line 335 during global

Compilation finished at Wed May 19 16:41:23

Correct me if I am wrong, it looks like DBI is disconnecting/
destroying children recursively up through their parents, until
everything is destroyed, and then the error happens. It still isn't
clear what object it is trying to call fetch on. I will continue
trying with still higher trace levels, but I am baffled why this hits
here but not in my other scripts that use DBI. It doesn't seem to
matter if I call $dbh->disconnect(), though my inclination is to call
it once I have all the data I need to process.

Any other ideas about why this happens and how best to address it?


From: Ted Byers on
On May 13, 5:56 pm, "C.DeRykus" <dery...(a)> wrote:
> On May 13, 11:56 am, Ted Byers <> wrote:
> > On May 13, 2:03 pm, "C.DeRykus" <dery...(a)> wrote:
> > > On May 13, 10:10 am, Ted Byers <> wrote:
> > > > I have done all the usual things (as specified in the FAQ), and more,
> > > > but it isn't enough.
> > > > Here is how my script starts:
> > > > use strict;
> > > > use warnings;
> > > > use DBI;
> > > > use DateTime::Format::MySQL;
> > > > use Date::Manip;
> > > > use DateTime::Format::DateManip;
> > > > BEGIN {
> > > >             $SIG{__WARN__} = sub{ print STDERR "Perl: ", @_; };
> > > >             $SIG{__DIE__}  = sub{ print STDERR "Perl: ", @_; exit 1};
> > > > }
> > > > $| = 1;
> > > > In the body of the script, this script does very little except make a
> > > > DB connection, place the values from the record set that results from
> > > > a trivial select query into a variable, and then prints it.  Then all
> > > > handles are closed and the progrma ends.  The error actually arises
> > > > after the last statement (and does not appear in ANY of my other
> > > > scripts that use the packes listed above).
> > > > Here is the error statement I get:
> > > > Perl: Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at C:/Perl/site/
> > > > lib/Win32/ line 1485, <DATA> line 335 during global
> > > > destruction.
> > > > At no time have I made direct use of the file mentioned, so it must be
> > > > something one of the above packages has done.  However, there is no
> > > > information provided as to what happened that led to this error.  It
> > > > does not even say what object is being destructed or what package
> > > > created, or failed to create, it.
> > > > How can I modify the signal handling I set up above so that I can get
> > > > this information?
> > > Here's an purported cure:
> > >    END { $^W = 0; }
> > Alas, the purported cure "END { $^W = 0; }" doesn't work in this
> > instance (unless I used it incorrectly).  In any event, do you know
> > how that purported cure is supposed to work?
> I thought I recalled seeing the error/cure once before.
> But, here's a thread that suggests just wrapping the
> disconnect. Their error output is virtually the same:
> { $^W = 0; $dbh->disconnect }
>   perl
>          DBI::db=HASH(0x8f68e40) trace level set to 9 in
>          ...
>           <- DESTROY= undef at unknown location!
>           (in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
>            undefined value at
>             C:/opt/perl/site/lib/Win32/
>             line 1486 during global destruction.
> > I am using ActiveSate's perl (v5.10.0) on Windows, and have examined
> > each of the tools I thought might have something useful, but either
> > they didn't have something that would answer my question or I didn't
> > understand the documentation.
> > Almost a decade ago, I wrote a C++ template class that I used to wrap
> > all exception classes and, using RTTI, I made exceptions traceable,
> > including not only the line and file of the source code where the
> > exception arose but also the class affected and all functions applied
> > to it from the time an instance of the class was created to the time
> > the exception was produced; and this in addition to a simple call
> > stack.  This proved priceless in debugging my own code (and
> > identifying cases where I was hit by a bug in one or another of the
> > libraries I used, so I could focus on finding a work-around rather
> > than seeking a bug that didn't exist in my code).  But, it was  useful
> > only when I could compile it into my code which normally meant my own
> > code only.  Alas, it relied on compiler specific macros in addition to
> > a couple of my own, and the language has changed since I did that.
> > Anyway, in addition to making this specific error go away, what I
> > really need is something I can include at the top of my script and
> > have it produce info about any object the script makes (whether
> > explicitly or indirectly as part of the internals of a package that
> > had been included), and what happens to it, but prints this info only
> > if that object is involved in an error: basically a perl equivalent of
> > the traceable exceptions I'd made in C++ so very long ago.  
> > ...
> If this new cure doesn't work, you might try one of DBI's
> higher trace settings too as they demo in the thread.
> --
> Charles DeRykus

OK, Combining Steve's suggestion (with teh suggested ammendment
regarding '&;), with yours, at trace level 10, I get the following
output AFTER all my source code has been executed correctly:

>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::st=HASH(0x242e39c) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
<> DESTROY(DBI::st=HASH(0x242e39c)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc) has ref cnt 1)
>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
-> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc)~INNER)
<- DESTROY= undef
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (sth 0x2e48dcc, com 0x24459b4, imp
FLAGS 0x180191: COMSET Warn RaiseError PrintError PrintWarn
PARENT DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec)
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
dbih_clearcom 0x2e48dcc (com 0x24459b4, type 3) done.

>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e6ac) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
<> DESTROY(DBI::db=HASH(0x242e6ac)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec) has ref cnt 1)
>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
-> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec)~INNER)
imp_dbh->pmysql: 242864c
<- DESTROY= undef
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (dbh 0x242e7ec, com 0x245a44c, imp
FLAGS 0x180391: COMSET Warn RaiseError PrintError PrintWarn
PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c)
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
IMP_DATA HASH(0x242e78c)
dbih_clearcom 0x242e7ec (com 0x245a44c, type 2) done.

-- DBI::END ($@: , $!: )
>> disconnect_all DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4) rc1/3 @1 g0
ima801 pid#18652) at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 731 via at k:/
Projects/NewRiskModel/ line 0
-> disconnect_all for DBD::mysql::dr
(DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4)~0x242ec9c) thr#3424c
<- disconnect_all= (not implemented) at C:/Perl/site/lib/
line 731 via at k:/Projects/NewRiskModel/ line 0
! >> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652) during global destruction
! <> DESTROY(DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c) has ref cnt 1)
! >> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652) during global destruction
! -> DESTROY in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::dr
(DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c)~INNER) thr#3424c
! <- DESTROY= undef during global destruction
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (drh 0x242ec9c, com 0x23f95d4, imp global
FLAGS 0x100215: COMSET Active Warn PrintWarn AutoCommit
PARENT undef
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
dbih_clearcom 0x242ec9c (com 0x23f95d4, type 1) done.

k:/Projects/NewRiskModel/, (eval), k:/Projects/
NewRiskModel/, Win32::TieRegistry::DESTROY, C:/
Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485
(eval), C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485

Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at C:/Perl/site/lib/
Win32/ line 1485, &#60;DATA&#62; line 335 during global

Compilation finished at Wed May 19 16:41:23

Correct me if I am wrong, it looks like DBI is disconnecting/
destroying children recursively up through their parents, until
everything is destroyed, and then the error happens. It still isn't
clear what object it is trying to call fetch on. I will continue
trying with still higher trace levels, but I am baffled why this hits
here but not in my other scripts that use DBI. It doesn't seem to
matter if I call $dbh->disconnect(), though my inclination is to call
it once I have all the data I need to process.

Any other ideas about why this happens and how best to address it?


From: Ted Byers on
On May 13, 5:56 pm, "C.DeRykus" <dery...(a)> wrote:
> On May 13, 11:56 am, Ted Byers <> wrote:
> > On May 13, 2:03 pm, "C.DeRykus" <dery...(a)> wrote:
> > > On May 13, 10:10 am, Ted Byers <> wrote:
> > > > I have done all the usual things (as specified in the FAQ), and more,
> > > > but it isn't enough.
> > > > Here is how my script starts:
> > > > use strict;
> > > > use warnings;
> > > > use DBI;
> > > > use DateTime::Format::MySQL;
> > > > use Date::Manip;
> > > > use DateTime::Format::DateManip;
> > > > BEGIN {
> > > >             $SIG{__WARN__} = sub{ print STDERR "Perl: ", @_; };
> > > >             $SIG{__DIE__}  = sub{ print STDERR "Perl: ", @_; exit 1};
> > > > }
> > > > $| = 1;
> > > > In the body of the script, this script does very little except make a
> > > > DB connection, place the values from the record set that results from
> > > > a trivial select query into a variable, and then prints it.  Then all
> > > > handles are closed and the progrma ends.  The error actually arises
> > > > after the last statement (and does not appear in ANY of my other
> > > > scripts that use the packes listed above).
> > > > Here is the error statement I get:
> > > > Perl: Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at C:/Perl/site/
> > > > lib/Win32/ line 1485, <DATA> line 335 during global
> > > > destruction.
> > > > At no time have I made direct use of the file mentioned, so it must be
> > > > something one of the above packages has done.  However, there is no
> > > > information provided as to what happened that led to this error.  It
> > > > does not even say what object is being destructed or what package
> > > > created, or failed to create, it.
> > > > How can I modify the signal handling I set up above so that I can get
> > > > this information?
> > > Here's an purported cure:
> > >    END { $^W = 0; }
> > Alas, the purported cure "END { $^W = 0; }" doesn't work in this
> > instance (unless I used it incorrectly).  In any event, do you know
> > how that purported cure is supposed to work?
> I thought I recalled seeing the error/cure once before.
> But, here's a thread that suggests just wrapping the
> disconnect. Their error output is virtually the same:
> { $^W = 0; $dbh->disconnect }
>   perl
>          DBI::db=HASH(0x8f68e40) trace level set to 9 in
>          ...
>           <- DESTROY= undef at unknown location!
>           (in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
>            undefined value at
>             C:/opt/perl/site/lib/Win32/
>             line 1486 during global destruction.
> > I am using ActiveSate's perl (v5.10.0) on Windows, and have examined
> > each of the tools I thought might have something useful, but either
> > they didn't have something that would answer my question or I didn't
> > understand the documentation.
> > Almost a decade ago, I wrote a C++ template class that I used to wrap
> > all exception classes and, using RTTI, I made exceptions traceable,
> > including not only the line and file of the source code where the
> > exception arose but also the class affected and all functions applied
> > to it from the time an instance of the class was created to the time
> > the exception was produced; and this in addition to a simple call
> > stack.  This proved priceless in debugging my own code (and
> > identifying cases where I was hit by a bug in one or another of the
> > libraries I used, so I could focus on finding a work-around rather
> > than seeking a bug that didn't exist in my code).  But, it was  useful
> > only when I could compile it into my code which normally meant my own
> > code only.  Alas, it relied on compiler specific macros in addition to
> > a couple of my own, and the language has changed since I did that.
> > Anyway, in addition to making this specific error go away, what I
> > really need is something I can include at the top of my script and
> > have it produce info about any object the script makes (whether
> > explicitly or indirectly as part of the internals of a package that
> > had been included), and what happens to it, but prints this info only
> > if that object is involved in an error: basically a perl equivalent of
> > the traceable exceptions I'd made in C++ so very long ago.  
> > ...
> If this new cure doesn't work, you might try one of DBI's
> higher trace settings too as they demo in the thread.
> --
> Charles DeRykus

OK, Combining Steve's suggestion (with teh suggested ammendment
regarding '&;), with yours, at trace level 10, I get the following
output AFTER all my source code has been executed correctly:

>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::st=HASH(0x242e39c) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
<> DESTROY(DBI::st=HASH(0x242e39c)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc) has ref cnt 1)
>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
-> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::st (DBI::st=HASH(0x2e48dcc)~INNER)
<- DESTROY= undef
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (sth 0x2e48dcc, com 0x24459b4, imp
FLAGS 0x180191: COMSET Warn RaiseError PrintError PrintWarn
PARENT DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec)
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
dbih_clearcom 0x2e48dcc (com 0x24459b4, type 3) done.

>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e6ac) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
<> DESTROY(DBI::db=HASH(0x242e6ac)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec) has ref cnt 1)
>> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652)
-> DESTROY for DBD::mysql::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x242e7ec)~INNER)
imp_dbh->pmysql: 242864c
<- DESTROY= undef
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (dbh 0x242e7ec, com 0x245a44c, imp
FLAGS 0x180391: COMSET Warn RaiseError PrintError PrintWarn
PARENT DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c)
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
IMP_DATA HASH(0x242e78c)
dbih_clearcom 0x242e7ec (com 0x245a44c, type 2) done.

-- DBI::END ($@: , $!: )
>> disconnect_all DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4) rc1/3 @1 g0
ima801 pid#18652) at C:/Perl/site/lib/ line 731 via at k:/
Projects/NewRiskModel/ line 0
-> disconnect_all for DBD::mysql::dr
(DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4)~0x242ec9c) thr#3424c
<- disconnect_all= (not implemented) at C:/Perl/site/lib/
line 731 via at k:/Projects/NewRiskModel/ line 0
! >> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652) during global destruction
! <> DESTROY(DBI::dr=HASH(0x24066d4)) ignored for outer handle
(inner DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c) has ref cnt 1)
! >> DESTROY DISPATCH (DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c) rc1/1 @1 g0
ima10004 pid#18652) during global destruction
! -> DESTROY in DBD::_::common for DBD::mysql::dr
(DBI::dr=HASH(0x242ec9c)~INNER) thr#3424c
! <- DESTROY= undef during global destruction
DESTROY (dbih_clearcom) (drh 0x242ec9c, com 0x23f95d4, imp global
FLAGS 0x100215: COMSET Active Warn PrintWarn AutoCommit
PARENT undef
KIDS 0 (0 Active)
dbih_clearcom 0x242ec9c (com 0x23f95d4, type 1) done.

k:/Projects/NewRiskModel/, (eval), k:/Projects/
NewRiskModel/, Win32::TieRegistry::DESTROY, C:/
Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485
(eval), C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485

Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at C:/Perl/site/lib/
Win32/ line 1485, &#60;DATA&#62; line 335 during global

Compilation finished at Wed May 19 16:41:23

Correct me if I am wrong, it looks like DBI is disconnecting/
destroying children recursively up through their parents, until
everything is destroyed, and then the error happens. It still isn't
clear what object it is trying to call fetch on. I will continue
trying with still higher trace levels, but I am baffled why this hits
here but not in my other scripts that use DBI. It doesn't seem to
matter if I call $dbh->disconnect(), though my inclination is to call
it once I have all the data I need to process.

Any other ideas about why this happens and how best to address it?


From: sln on
On Wed, 19 May 2010 14:46:43 -0700 (PDT), Ted Byers <r.ted.byers(a)> wrote:

>On May 13, 5:56�pm, "C.DeRykus" <dery...(a)> wrote:
>> On May 13, 11:56�am, Ted Byers <> wrote:
>Correct me if I am wrong, it looks like DBI is disconnecting/
>destroying children recursively up through their parents, until
>everything is destroyed, and then the error happens. It still isn't
>clear what object it is trying to call fetch on. I will continue
>trying with still higher trace levels, but I am baffled why this hits
>here but not in my other scripts that use DBI. It doesn't seem to
>matter if I call $dbh->disconnect(), though my inclination is to call
>it once I have all the data I need to process.
>Any other ideas about why this happens and how best to address it?

No but, your is tripple posting this to usenet.

From: Ben Morrow on

Quoth Ted Byers <r.ted.byers(a)>:
> Trace:
> k:/Projects/NewRiskModel/, (eval), k:/Projects/
> NewRiskModel/, Win32::TieRegistry::DESTROY, C:/
> Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485
> (eval), C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/, Line: 1485
> Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at C:/Perl/site/lib/
> Win32/ line 1485, &#60;DATA&#62; line 335 during global
> destruction.
> Compilation finished at Wed May 19 16:41:23

Am I correct that line 1485 of your copy of Win32/ is the
last line here?

my $self= shift(@_);
return if tied(%$self);
my $unload;
eval { $unload= $self->{UNLOADME}; 1 }

If so I can't see how that could be calling tie magic, since the code's
just checked that it *isn't* tied. In any case, back up your copy of
Win32/ and add

use Devel::Peek ();
use Carp ();

just before that line, and post the result.
