From: Tim Roberts on
metroycn(a) wrote:
>the following is application code:
> IKsPropertySet *PKS;
> if (FAILED(hr = piBDADemod->QueryInterface
>(IID_IKsPropertySet,reinterpret_cast<void **>(&PKS))))

Is piBDADemod the same filter that exposes these custom properties?

> {
> return (log << "Cannot Find IID_IKsPropertySet\n").Show(hr);
> }
> if (FAILED(hr = PKS->Get
>NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &irlength)))

This isn't passing either an input buffer nor an output buffer. You didn't
show us the property declarations, so I can't tell what buffer sizes you
required. What error do you get?
Tim Roberts, timr(a)
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
From: metroycn on
On Jan 2, 7:03 am, Tim Roberts <t...(a)> wrote:
> metro...(a) wrote:
> >the following is application code:
> >          IKsPropertySet *PKS;
> >       if (FAILED(hr = piBDADemod->QueryInterface
> >(IID_IKsPropertySet,reinterpret_cast<void **>(&PKS))))
> Is piBDADemod the same filter that exposes these custom properties?
> >        {
> >             return (log << "Cannot Find IID_IKsPropertySet\n").Show(hr);
> >                    }
> >                if (FAILED(hr = PKS->Get
> >NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &irlength)))
> This isn't passing either an input buffer nor an output buffer.  You didn't
> show us the property declarations, so I can't tell what buffer sizes you
> required.  What error do you get?
> --
> Tim Roberts, t...(a)
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

just copy as msdn API format,Don't know how these API functions.

thank you very much. I will try make it clear more before ask any

From: metroycn on
On Dec 30 2008, 2:34 pm, metro...(a) wrote:
> Hi
> I want to add private interface to BDA driver
> so the comunication with driver will be easy for specific application
> such as:
> debug device register value while watching TV
> remote controller receiving IR key code.
> I have try add  ksproperty but it is not working.
> the default:
> /***************************************************************/
>         (
>                 &KSMETHODSETID_BdaDeviceConfiguration,
>                 SIZEOF_ARRAY(FilterConfiguration),
>                 FilterConfiguration,
>                 0,NULL
>         ),
>         (
>                 &KSMETHODSETID_BdaChangeSync,
>                 SIZEOF_ARRAY(FilterChangeSync),
>                 FilterChangeSync,
>                 0,NULL
>         ),
> };
> };
> /*****************************************************/
> add ksproperty:
> const KSPROPERTY_SET property_table[] =
>         {
>                 DEFINE_KSPROPERTY_SET
>                 (
>                         &PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CUSTOM_IRCAPTURE,
>                         SIZEOF_ARRAY(g_ir_custom_properties),
>                         g_ir_custom_properties,
>                         0,
>                         NULL
>                 ),
>     };
>     SIZEOF_ARRAY( property_table ),
>     sizeof(KSPROPERTY_ITEM),
>     property_table,
> };
> /************************/
> but it is not working, how can I add an interface,
> I can only use standard interface, like setfrequency,  get_fec.....
> thanks

Can you give some tips on how to implement customer interface?

is there any sample or some desribed doc?

I have try on ksmethod, and ksproperty.