From: IdleBrain on
As part of a VBScript, when I am trying to run the following line of
code after using tempFolderLocation with Run(command), I get 'access
denied' error.
FSO.DeleteFolder tempFolderLocation, True
However the above line removes all individual files within that

Using process explorer from SysInternals, I found that the Vbscript
still has a file handle to tempFolderLocation. If I close the file
handle to tempFolderLocation manually just before FSO.DeleteFolder
executes, FSO.DeleteFolder runs fine without any error.

I am interested in finding out how I can close the handle to
tempFolderLocation before executing FSO.DeleteFolder.

Thanks in advance.
From: Pegasus [MVP] on

"IdleBrain" <indianmostwanted(a)> wrote in message
> Hello,
> As part of a VBScript, when I am trying to run the following line of
> code after using tempFolderLocation with Run(command), I get 'access
> denied' error.
> FSO.DeleteFolder tempFolderLocation, True
> However the above line removes all individual files within that
> folder.
> Using process explorer from SysInternals, I found that the Vbscript
> still has a file handle to tempFolderLocation. If I close the file
> handle to tempFolderLocation manually just before FSO.DeleteFolder
> executes, FSO.DeleteFolder runs fine without any error.
> I am interested in finding out how I can close the handle to
> tempFolderLocation before executing FSO.DeleteFolder.
> Thanks in advance.

Does the problem occur when you run this 2-line fragment of your code?
set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FSO.DeleteFolder tempFolderLocation, True

If it does not then the problem is caused by whatever code you excecute
before this fragment. You need to post it in order to get a good answer.

From: IdleBrain on
Yes, the problem occurs when I run: FSO.DeleteFolder

I am not running any particular code from within the
'tempFolderLocation' but I am running a batch file (.cmd) within that
folder using run(command) and waiting until the batch file is

Even a sleep of 30s does not help with not getting 'access denied'
error message.
From: Pegasus [MVP] on

"IdleBrain" <indianmostwanted(a)> wrote in message
> Yes, the problem occurs when I run: FSO.DeleteFolder
> tempFolderLocation,True
> I am not running any particular code from within the
> 'tempFolderLocation' but I am running a batch file (.cmd) within that
> folder using run(command) and waiting until the batch file is
> completed.
> Even a sleep of 30s does not help with not getting 'access denied'
> error message.

Your answer is a little ambiguous and we need to be very precise here. The
questions is: Does the problem occur when you run this 2-line fragment of
your code?

set fso=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
FSO.DeleteFolder tempFolderLocation, True

In other words, does it occur when you paste these two lines into a .vbs
file, replace tempFolderLocation with an actual string, then invoke the

From: IdleBrain on
Sorry for misunderstanding your question..
I can manually go and delete the folder without any error messages or
can run a script with just those two lines of code and have no