From: Anaconda on
I have made a macro to delete empty files from a folder, and wonder
how it can be justified a bit to delete only those files that were
created yesterday or earlier. It this task cannot be accomplished in
this way, is there another way to do it?

Here is the macro:

%macro delete_empty_files_in_folder(folder);
filename filelist "&folder";
data _null_;
dir_id = dopen('filelist');
total_members = dnum(dir_id);
do i = 1 to total_members; /* walk through all the files in the
folder */
member_name = dread(dir_id,i);
file_id = mopen(dir_id,member_name,'i',0);
if file_id > 0 then do; /* if the file is readable */
freadrc = fread(file_id);
if freadrc = -1 then do; /* if the file is empty */
rc = fclose(file_id);
rc = filename('delete',member_name,,,'filelist');
rc = fdelete('delete');
rc = fclose(file_id);
rc = dclose(dir_id);

- Anaconda
From: Patrick on
I usually use shell escapes (x-command, systask..) for such tasks.

On which OS should this code run (Windows, Unix, ..)?
From: Andrew Karp Sierra Info Services on
Here is an approach that I think will work regardless of operating
system. It may not be the most elegant method, but as the old saying
goes, if the tree fell, the axe was sharp enough. I've put a bunch of
comments in the code to explain what each PROC and DATA step is
(hopefully) doing.

* library test has datasets that were created on 3/18, 3/19 and 3/20;
* create a data set that has the creation date (crdate) of every data
set in
library test. Noprint option instructs CONTENTS procedure to not put
output in the output window. Only required vars are placed in
output data set;
proc contents data=test._all_ noprint out=info(keep=libname memname

* create a new data set that has one row/obs per data set in the test
proc sort nodupkey data=info out=info2;
by libname memname crdate;

* the variable crdate (creation date) in data set info2 is the SAS
datetime variable
(num of seconds from midnight 1/1/1960) with the date and time the
data set was created;
* use the datepart function to find the SAS date "part" of crdate and
compare it to today's
date returned by the today() function. If the date the data set was
created is less than
(that is, before) today's date, then output the data set name to a
data set that holds
a list of all "old" data sets we want to be delete;
data to_be_deleted;
set info2;
if datepart(crdate) < today();

/* optional step: look at list of data sets to be deleted */
* proc print data= to_be_deleted;
* title 'to be deleted';
* run;

* put the names of the data sets to be deleted in to a macro symbol
table variable
called to_delete using the PROC SQL step below;
* MEMNAME is the data set name ("member of the SAS library");
proc sql noprint;
select trim(memname) into :to_delete separated by ' ' from

* execute proc datasets to delete all data sets in the test library
that were created
before today. Notice reference to macro symbol table variable in the
DELETE statement.
List of deleted data sets will appear in the SASLOG;
proc datasets library = test;
delete &to_delete;

Hope this helps....

Andrew Karp
Sierra Information Services

On Mar 19, 6:03�pm, Patrick <patrick.mat...(a)> wrote:
> I usually use shell escapes (x-command, systask..) for such tasks.
> On which OS should this code run (Windows, Unix, ..)?