From: Walter Roberson on
On 10-04-01 7:07 PM, Judas Magnus wrote:
> I want to extract the first name and last name.

That is nearly impossible in real life. Looking for spaces is NOT adequate.


Eric van Lustaber ('van' is a preposition meaning 'from' and is part of
the surname; 'von' has the same role in some closely related languages)

Sean O'Malley (O' is considered part of the surname)

Peg McCracken (Mc is an abbreviation for Mac, which means Son Of, so to
an Englishman the surname would be McCraken but in traditional Scot, the
surname would be Cracken if they called it a surname at all and not
simply a descriptive name or patronym)

Wu Li (Chinese and Japanese surnames are first so the surname here is
the Chinese name Wu)

Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno (seriously,
that's the real name of a famous person -- now how are you going to
break that up into "first name" and "last name" ?)

Karan Shar Singh (Singh is a title, not a name)

Mitra (that was his _complete_ name at the time I worked with him.)

Henriette Robin Clifton (Robin Clifton is a combined name that doesn't
happen to be spelled with a hyphen)