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Installing NDIS intermediate mode driver using Bindview application code Hi: I am trying to automatically install an IM driver given the .sys, .inf and the _m.inf files. I used the code from the Bindview application: hr = GetPnpID( lpszInfFile, &lpszPnpID ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = InstallSpecifiedComponent( lpszInfFile, lpszPnpID, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETSERVICE )... 21 Aug 2006 15:41
Why SdBusSubmitRequest() is hanging ? Hello Eshanye, I face the same problem when I try to write SDIO driver, can you share your experince about how to solve it ? Thanks in adcance. "Eshanye_kp" wrote: Hi, I'm working on a SDIO drivers on XP SP2. Anybody has any idea why the call to SdBusSubmitRequest() for command 52, hangs ? It... 18 Aug 2006 04:14
Assigning raw mode to PDO in KMDF problem. Hi, i want to create a raw-mode PDO for virtual port on my bus (using KMDF). The problem is the documentation says that WdfPdoInitAssignRawDevice can be used only before WdfDeviceCreate, and as such system doesn't ask for new INF file. Does anybody know how to set raw mode for a PDO in the way that would ensu... 14 Aug 2006 13:20
Testcap & MPEG2-TS Hi all, I'm developing a Stream Class minidriver to catch MPEG2-TS from a USB-TV box. I modified Testcap, sample code of DDK. Then I use GraphEdit to connect my filter to VMR. Kernel message shows that system loads mpg2dmx to open my stream. But after receiving 3 SRB_GET_DATA_INTERSECTION commands, an error ... 20 Aug 2006 22:06
dxgkdx.dll Hi, This file is referenced in the WDK as a WinDbg extension to aid in debugging new WDDM drivers. I was wondering where I might get it as it isn't bundled along with the WDK. Thanks! Aaditya ... 10 Aug 2006 22:16
Eliyas Yakub [MSFT] Yes DiRollbackDriver is only exported on Vista. -- -Eliyas This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. ... 10 Aug 2006 23:19
Loading winusb.sys in Window XP Hi, I have been asked to load the Winusb.sys for our USB device in 'Windows XP sp2'. I copied the sys file from the vista and I changed the inf to install the winusb.sys and as the WDK documentation mentioned I have added a AddReg section to create a GUID registry entry. And when I tried to install the driver... 16 Aug 2006 00:22
Filter Hook Hi, Drivers are very new to me, can someone help me with the next issue please: I have tried to set up a Filter Hook driver. I took an example code from codeproject (DrvFltIp) and it works ok on my computer (Windows XP). When I try to process the packets more thoroughly than in this example code, my comput... 8 Aug 2006 01:22
PacketStackSize Hi All, In WinXP there is a registry key which can be used to control the NDIS packet stack size. HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\ Services\NDIS\Parameters\PacketStackSize DWORD:<number of stack locations> This does not seem to have any effect in Vista. Is there a different key for Vista. How can we control the NDIS packet s... 24 Jul 2006 19:25
Printer Name Issue Hi. I want to initialize dmDeviceName field of DEVMODE structure. So that to save the configuration information of the printer to registry during PRINTER_EVENT_INITIALIZE event of DrvPrinterEvent() funcion. But during DrvPrinterDriverEvent() we can get(as parameter to this function) the name of printer being ... 26 Jul 2006 10:08 |