From: shapper on

At the moment I am working on a web application and I have a Assets
table as follows:

create table dbo.Assets
Id int not null,
Content varbinary(max) filestream constraint DF_Assets_Content
[Key] uniqueidentifier not null rowguidcol constraint U_Assets_Key
MimeId int not null,
constraint PK_Assets primary key clustered(Id)
) -- Assets

I am saving files, simple text, html code, etc.
And I define what I am saving using the Mime type.

Should I have two tables?
Phrases for text format content (html, plain text, css, etc)
Files (for files)?

I don't need to search for content. Just insert, delete and get.

This is for global content. For example, if I have documents or
articles published on a web application I will have a documents or
articles table. This is more for contents that don't go inside any
other category.

Like for example a Brochure, or Footer that needs to be localized (in
that case I have Assets and AssetsLocalized tables) or a text section
I want the administrator to be able to edit, etc.
