From: Kostas on
I think that Danh has the same problem with me if I understood well. Well actually Simulink opens a new window every time that displays a video. All I want is to embed this video in a Gui that I have already made with Guide for changing the parameters of my Simulink model. How can I send the video to the Matlab GUI. I made an EML but
I cannot communicate with my GUI how can I do it. My code is:

function fcn(u)

persistent h;

if isempty(h)
h = image(u);
set(h, 'CData', u);

witek(a) wrote in message <hp4m6m$96q$1(a)>...
> Danh,
> Can you explain by what you mean when you say "display video in GUI"?
> What are you expectations?
> Thanks,
> Witek
> Danh <draftofDanh(a)> wrote:
> > I'm working with video and image processing blockset in Simulink.
> > To display video in simulink I use Video Viewer block. Now I like to display that video in GUI.
> > Is it possible and please give me some guides to do this.
> > Many thanks!