From: Rafael on
> You need Matlab Distributed Computing Server (MDCS) licences to run workers on
> machines other than the machine where you have installed MATLAB + PCT,
> regardless of which scheduler you use. This is so that you do not need full
> MATLAB + PCT licences for the workers - each worker needs only a single MDCS
> licence, regardless of which toolboxes are used by your parallel application.
> (As it happens, we ship a full build of MPICH2 to implement our MPI
> functionality with both PCT and MDCS.)
> Cheers,
> Edric.

So if Matlab's parallel communication between different workers is done via MPI, could it be possible to use internal environment variables from this communication for MPI based open Matlab libraries such as MatlabMPI?
In this way, one might use MatlabMPI within the parallel Matlab environment of the MDCS and use these worker licences instead of real Matlab licences?

Regards, Rafael