From: Strayed on
In case you have not solved your problem yet, you can try something else.

Try to arrange with your host to use your large commercial e-mail listing,
if this is the cause.
Open a Gmail account. Configure the account to send messages on behalf of
the account (e-mail address) you wanted to use
Compose your message in Word. Copy and paste it on the Gmail message field
in the web (web mail, not on the Outlook e-mail client). You will be able to
send up to 5 messages per day, which is more than your needs. They will be
all delivered unless theri are problems on the receiving side.

Good luck

"Jenny - cartoonist-at-large" wrote:

> I send mass emails to my friends, I often get a message back saying that the
> email couldn't be delivered to a certain number of those friends (all of whom
> have valid email addresses and who I always email individually with no
> problem). The only thing I can guess is that Office Outlook only allows a
> certain number of email addresses at once, but I'm only guessing here. And
> if that's the case, if I load up a single distribution list with 300 email
> addresses, will the email actually go to all of them, or will Outlook kick
> back a bunch of them? I don't want to go to all this trouble, and then
> have Outlook kick back 288 of my 300 addresses.
> thanks for any insight you can give me.
> Jenny
From: Strayed on
Sorry, I wanted to say "You will be able to send up to 500 messages per day".