From: Diane Poremsky [MVP] on
A mail merge and a utility the limits the number of messages per minute will
get past most isp limitations - unless they have a daily limit. But it
really is better to use a commercial service for large blasts. They'll send
a lot faster than outlook ever can.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
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"M.S. Hanenkrat" wrote in message news:20104301971info(a)
> Due to the constant DoS attacks on mail servers in the United States these
> days, ISP's are forced to limit the number of recipients per email. We
> used to limit the recipients to 100, then 50, and finally, today, it's
> down to 25.
> If you must send out more emails,then break your lists down to whatever
> your ISP limits and send 10 to 20 emails with 25 recipients each. More
> than that, seek a professional email service.