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Revision marking greyed out
Revision marking is on. All changes are greyed out so I can not accept or reject any changes. ... 12 May 2010 17:00
Say I want to italicise text - e.g. a proper name - but not the punctuation mark - e.g. a comma - that follows it. How can I do this? If i 'de-italicise' immediately after the italics these disappear; if I don't the succeeding punctuation mark is in italics and I have to deitalicise that. What's the work-round?... 12 May 2010 15:53
how do I put the Style Separator icon onto my Formatting tool bar
Years ago I placed the Style Separator icon onto my Formatting tool bar, and need to do so again to another computer and can not remember how I did it. Can anyone help please? Thank you. ... 12 May 2010 14:45
Review options
Hello, how do you set the default settings so that when I open a document it goes to the "review final" rather then the "review Final with Markup"? ... 12 May 2010 20:21
Bookmark and REF
"ODog Trying NewTricks" wrote: I inserted an ask statement with a switch to default to blank if no answer is given, then I used the REF and again used a switch to default to blank if no source is found. I thought this would work, but it doesn't. The program still returns !Error. Reference Source No... 12 May 2010 11:23
user form - format a phone number word 2007
I am so frustrated. I am creating a form and I want to force a phone number format. Easy in Excel but cannot find it anywhere in word 2007. Please help Thanks ... 12 May 2010 19:14
Become a Word MVP
I am interested in becoming a Word MVP. Where can I get information on the - Process - Requirements - Study materials - Test -- CSC/TRIPS Contract U.S. DOT, RITA, Cambridge, MA ... 12 May 2010 12:31
Check boxes to text
Is there any way that I can have check boxes automaticaly transfer their information to text? example: Check boxes = red, blue, green If you click the red and green check boxes, the title would be as bellow. Title on the page = Lable order for: red, green Thank you ... 13 May 2010 11:37
How do I keep my drop downs to show the entire list?
In Word, when I click on the top menu bar (ie: File, Edit, View) I want to see all the list without having to click on the bottom arrow. I know there is a way to do it however I have forgotten. Does anyone know? Please help. ... 12 May 2010 09:09
Document map
The document map for one of my documents has stopped displaying headings from the beginning of the document and instead displays headings from a point within it. The headings that aren't displayed are correctly formatted as Level 1. And I've entered and exited Outline view, with, unfortunately, no benefit. What... 12 May 2010 09:09
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