From: George Schneider on
I'm trying to adjust my DC's backup plan. I believe we're backing up more
than we need to. Currently we backup the entire C drive which is where the
OS is installed. Do I need to backup the entire C drive? Couldn't I just
backup the thesystem state which would contian the sysvol direcotry which is
the active directory information? ALso this DC contians all of the operation
master roles, is a dns and wins server and runs dhcp. This server is a
windwos 2000 SP4 DC in a 2000 domain. I'm trying to develop a plan to
minimize space used in terms of backup yet with the ability to recover from a
disaster. My thought of most of the info on C relates to the OS which would
be reinstalled if the server crashed anyways. Am I totally off base here?
From: Meinolf Weber on
Hello George,

System state is the minimum you need.

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

> I'm trying to adjust my DC's backup plan. I believe we're backing up
> more than we need to. Currently we backup the entire C drive which is
> where the OS is installed. Do I need to backup the entire C drive?
> Couldn't I just backup the thesystem state which would contian the
> sysvol direcotry which is the active directory information? ALso this
> DC contians all of the operation master roles, is a dns and wins
> server and runs dhcp. This server is a windwos 2000 SP4 DC in a 2000
> domain. I'm trying to develop a plan to minimize space used in terms
> of backup yet with the ability to recover from a disaster. My
> thought of most of the info on C relates to the OS which would be
> reinstalled if the server crashed anyways. Am I totally off base here?