From: Philip M on 22 Jul 2010 09:00 Hey guys, I'm using the following program code, to calculate a 5x1 vector called spread. Actually I only get values for the first two entries and the last three are always zero, regardless of my parameters and I don't know why. I think that it has something to do with the random numbers, but I'm not sure. Thanks in advance, Philip varomikron=661/2309; % Parameter a=5254/6853; % Parameter b=1420/2709; % Parameter mu= -755/2358; % Parameter q=100; l=zeros([20 125]); Portfolioverlust=zeros(20,q); Epsilon=zeros(20,1); Omikron=zeros(20,1); X=zeros(20,1); Z=zeros(20,1); v=zeros(q,1); s=zeros(q,1); pvprot=zeros(21,q); pvdef=zeros(21,q); LA=zeros(20,q); LB=zeros(20,q); LTranche=zeros(21,q); spread=zeros(5,1); randZ=randn(q,5); randEps=randn(q,625); randOmik=normrnd(0,sqrt(varomikron),q,625); r2007=xlsread('C:\Universitaet\Diplomarbeit\Daten\Spotrates','Tabelle1','A2:A21'); stetverzinsung=zeros(20,1); for i = 1:20 stetverzinsung(i)=exp(-r2007(i)*(i/4)); end k=1:20; p=1-exp((-0.003514966*k)/4); % Berechnung anhand des durch. CDS Spreads c = norminv(p); Attachment=[0.00001 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12]; % Attachment Punkte der einzelnen Tranchen Detachment=[0.03000 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.22]; % Detachment Punkte der einzelnen Tranchen for d=1:5 A=Attachment(d); %Attachment Punkt B=Detachment(d); %Detachment Punkt for i=1:q Z(1)=randZ(i,d); for j=1:125 Epsilon(j)=randEps(i,(d-1)*125+j); Omikron(j)=randOmik(i,(d-1)*125+j); X(j)=a*Z(1)+sqrt(1-a^2)*Epsilon(j); if (X(j)<=c(1)) l(1,j)=1-normcdf(mu-b*Z(1)+Omikron(j)); else l(1,j)=0; end end Portfolioverlust(1,i)=sum(l(1,:))/125; for r=2:20 Z(r)=randZ(i,d); for j=1:125 if (l(r-1,j)>0) l(r,j)=l(r-1,j); else Epsilon(j)=randEps(i,(d-1)*125+j); Omikron(j)=randOmik(i,(d-1)*125+j); X(j)=a*Z(r)+sqrt(1-a^2)*Epsilon(j); if (X(j)<=c(r)) l(r,j)=1-normcdf(mu-b*Z(r)+Omikron(j)); else l(r,j)=0; end end end Portfolioverlust(r,i)=sum(l(r,:))/125; LA(r,i)=max(Portfolioverlust(r,i)-A,0); LB(r,i)=max(Portfolioverlust(r,i)-B,0); LTranche(r+1,i)=(1/(B-A))*(LA(r,i)-LB(r,i)); end for h=2:21 pvprot(h-1,i)=stetverzinsung(h-1)*(LTranche(h,i)-LTranche(h-1,i)); pvdef(h-1,i)=0.25*stetverzinsung(h-1)*(1-LTranche(h,i)); end if (d==1) v(i)= -sum(pvdef(:,i))*0.05+sum(pvprot(:,i)); else s(i)=sum(pvprot(:,i))/sum(pvdef(:,i)); end end if (d==1) spread(1)=sum(v)/q; else spread(d)=sum(s)/q; end end
From: Philip M on 22 Jul 2010 10:23 Sorry for double post, but if I use the following code, I get five values for my vector. It's all the same. I just changed the way how the randnom numbers are generated. So why does the first one not work? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- q=100; %Anzahl der Wiederholungen l=zeros([20 125]); Portfolioverlust=zeros(20,q); Epsilon=zeros(20,1); Omikron=zeros(20,1); X=zeros(20,1); Z=zeros(20,1); s=zeros(q,1); v=zeros(q,1); pvprot=zeros(21,q); pvdef=zeros(21,q); LA=zeros(20,q); LB=zeros(20,q); LTranche=zeros(21,q); spread=zeros(5,1); r2007=xlsread('C:\Universitaet\Diplomarbeit\Daten\Spotrates','Tabelle1','A2:A21'); stetverzinsung=zeros(20,1); for i = 1:20 stetverzinsung(i)=exp(-r2007(i)*(i/4)); end k=1:20; c = norminv(1-exp((-0.003514966*k)/4)); varomikron=661/2309; % Parameter a=5254/6853; % Parameter b=1420/2709; % Parameter mu= -755/2358; % Parameter Attachment=[0.00001 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12]; Detachment=[0.03000 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.22]; for d=1:5 A=Attachment(d); %Attachment Punkt B=Detachment(d); %Detachment Punkt for i=1:q Z(1)=randn(1); for j=1:125 Epsilon(j)=randn(1); Omikron(j)=normrnd(0,sqrt(varomikron)); X(j)=a*Z(1)+sqrt(1-a^2)*Epsilon(j); if (X(j)<=c(1)) l(1,j)=1-normcdf(mu-b*Z(1)+Omikron(j)); else l(1,j)=0; end end Portfolioverlust(1,i)=sum(l(1,:))/125; for r=2:20 Z(r)=randn(1); for j=1:125 if (l(r-1,j)>0) l(r,j)=l(r-1,j); else Epsilon(j)=randn(1); Omikron(j)=normrnd(0,varomikron); X(j)=a*Z(r)+sqrt(1-a^2)*Epsilon(j); if (X(j)<=c(r)) l(r,j)=1-normcdf(mu-b*Z(r)+Omikron(j)); else l(r,j)=0; end end end Portfolioverlust(r,i)=sum(l(r,:))/125; LA(r,i)=max(Portfolioverlust(r,i)-A,0); LB(r,i)=max(Portfolioverlust(r,i)-B,0); LTranche(r+1,i)=(1/(B-A))*(LA(r,i)-LB(r,i)); end for h=2:21 pvprot(h-1,i)=stetverzinsung(h-1)*(LTranche(h,i)-LTranche(h-1,i)); pvdef(h-1,i)=0.25*stetverzinsung(h-1)*(1-LTranche(h,i)); end if (d==1) v(i)= -sum(pvdef(:,i))*0.05+sum(pvprot(:,i)); else s(i)=sum(pvprot(:,i))/sum(pvdef(:,i)); end if (d==1) spread(1)=sum(v)/q; else spread(d)=sum(s)/q; end end end
From: Jan Simon on 22 Jul 2010 11:29 Dear Philip, it would be much easier, if you post only the relevant part of your function. You can go through your program step by step using the debugger and look, why "sum(s)" is 0 if d is 3, 4 and 5. Do you know how to use the debugger? Kind regards, Jan
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