From: Zohair on
Hi everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

I had a problem when trying to implement the example in the matlab compiler user guide. The programme creates three functions (addmatrix, multiplymatrix and eigmatrix). I succeeded in getting the *.so library and the related files (mcc -W cpplib:libmtrixp -T link:lib addmatrix.m multiplymatrix.m eigmatrix.m -v) but I failed to compile the driver programme. It seems versions compatibility issue.

I typed this line:
mbuild matrixdriver.cpp -L. -lmatrixp -I.

and received this error message:
Warning: You are using gcc version "4.4.1-4ubuntu9)". The earliest gcc version supported with mbuild is "4.0.0". The latest version tested for use with mbuild is "4.2.3". To download a different version of gcc, visit

mbuild: matrixdriver.cpp not a normal file or does not exist.

Can you help me with this please? Do I need to downgrade the gcc?

Best regards,

From: Zohair on
Guys dont worry about this post. I found the problem is not the gcc. The spelling of the libmatrix is the thing that was worng ( Iwrote it libmtrix). That's fine guys.
