From: John on
Mathematica 6

The dynamic module:

DynamicModule[{n = 1, p = 1},
Transpose[{{Style["enter n", 20], Style["enter p", 20],
Style["simulated X", 20]}, {InputField[Dynamic[n],
InputField[Dynamic[p], Number],
Check[Total[RandomInteger[BinomialDistribution[n, p], 1]],
Null]]], Enabled -> False]}}], Alignment -> Right],
ImageMargins -> 10],
DefaultOptions -> {InputField -> {ContinuousAction ->
BaseStyle -> 20, FieldSize -> {{5, 30}, {1, Infinity}}}}]]]

is in a notebook containing course notes, which include the
interactive panel created by the dynamic module, but the formatted
notebook, viewed by the students on Mathematica Player, does not
include the interactive panel created by the dynamic module.

All text style cells were printed exactly as formatted, but an empty
box with pink background was printed at the location where the
interactive panel should have been.

Error message: An unknown box name (Graphics) was sent as the box form
for the expression. Check format rules for the expression.

Message: Set::write Tag Dot in ie332s10i1.nb is protected.

I will be grateful to anyone who can tell me how to check the
formatting rules for the dynamic module, if that is what is needed to
fix the problem.
