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From: Jorge Pasquotto on 2 Apr 2010 07:58 Dear all, I am trying to reproduce on matlab the same code below as indicated in the "Technical Solutions page... How can I predict a future value from a time series using the Neural Network Toolbox 6.0.3 (R2009b)?" but I have struggled with an error and I dont understand why?? Please see the code and the error: 1. Code: % Target Vector T = [3 9 12 4 10 13 5]; % Input Vector delaymat = toeplitz([3 0],T); P = delaymat(2,:); % Number of hidden neurons S1 = 20; % Create Network net = newelm(P,T,S1); % Train Network Pseq = con2seq(P); Tseq = con2seq(T); net = train(net,Pseq,Tseq); % Test the network Y = sim(net,Pseq); z = seq2con(Y); diff1 = T - z{1,1}; 2) The error comes after the %train network step: % Train Network Pseq = con2seq(P); Tseq = con2seq(T); net = train(net,Pseq,Tseq); ??? Error using ==> calcjxfp Too many input arguments. Error in ==> calcgx at 98 [gB,gIW,gLW] = feval(net.gradientFcn,net,Q,PD,BZ,IWZ,LWZ,N,Ac,gE,TS); Error in ==> traingdx at 231 [gX,gradient] = calcgx(net,X,trainV.Pd,Zb,Zi,Zl,N,Ac,El,perf,Q,TS); Error in ==> network.train at 219 [net,tr] = feval(net.trainFcn,net,tr,trainV,valV,testV); Please, can somebody tell me what is wrong? Regards Jorge
From: Jorge Pasquotto on 2 Apr 2010 22:08 Well, I find by myself the answer: it is a Matlab bug on version 2008b. Please refer to the bug pages, the bug number is 485759 Summary NEWELM example in documentation fails. Description The example in documentation for NEWELM fails: This code generates and error of "too many arguments" for a call to CALCGX from TRAIN: P = round(rand(1,20)); T = [0 (P(1:end-1)+P(2:end) == 2)] Pseq = con2seq(P); Tseq = con2seq(T); net = newelm(P,T,10); net = train(net,Pseq,Tseq); Workaround The workaround is to fix a bad network setting directly before the call to train: net.gradientFcn = 'calcgbtt'; net = train(net,Pseq,Tseq); Fix This bug was fixed as of R2009a(6.0.2).
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