From: vibz86 on
Hi folks,
Im having great trouble in pic programming and hope someone can help me.Im
designing a motor controller circuit using pic 16f877a. Iv got a single
ended quadrature encoder (It has 5 outputs - a channel, b channel, z
channel, 5v, ground). Iv finished the coding for the motor controller part
in mikroc. NowI dont know how to do the programming for this encoder. Have
to get the feedback(Pulses) from this encoder compare it with the expected
pulses and make adjestments. Can someone show me a sample coding for this
in mikroc. Iv googled this for last several days and read so many articles
but I still couldnt do the coding.

This is the coding in mikroc iv written so far. This works. If possible
can someone integrate the encoder components in this

void m1(int forward)

void m2(int forward)

void setup_timer0() //for encoder 1
//should be called after configuring the ports(coresponding tris)
TRISA.F4=1; //encoder signal input bit
OPTION_REG.T0CS=1; //timer0 counter mode

void setup_timer1()
TRISC.F0=1;//encorder signal input bit
T1CON=0;//configure prescale of timer1
T1CON.TMR1CS=1;//To set RC0 as input source for timer1
T1CON.T1OSCEN=0;//internal oscillator disabled
T1CON.T1SYNC=1;//disable synchronization
T1CON.TMR1ON=1;//start timer1
void main()


PWM1_INIT(5000);//Both pwm generators share one pulse width value. So
//initializing is enough

m1(1); //m1 forward
m2(0); //m2 backward

PORTB=TMR0; //Encorder1 value
PORTD=TMR1L; //Encorder2 value

This message was sent using the comp.arch.embedded web interface on
From: Tim Wescott on
On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 08:56:26 -0500, vibz86 wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Im having great trouble in pic programming and hope someone can help
> me.Im designing a motor controller circuit using pic 16f877a. Iv got a
> single ended quadrature encoder (It has 5 outputs - a channel, b
> channel, z channel, 5v, ground). Iv finished the coding for the motor
> controller part in mikroc. NowI dont know how to do the programming for
> this encoder. Have to get the feedback(Pulses) from this encoder compare
> it with the expected pulses and make adjestments. Can someone show me a
> sample coding for this in mikroc. Iv googled this for last several days
> and read so many articles but I still couldnt do the coding.
> This is the coding in mikroc iv written so far. This works. If possible
> can someone integrate the encoder components in this

I can _help_ you, but if you want me to do your work you may contact me
professionally and I'll charge for it.

An encoder produces a 2-bit gray code that counts up or down depending on
the direction of the encoder. The algorithm that has always worked best
for me is to take that gray code, translate it into 2 bits of straight
binary, then have a nice wide position register that follows those two

To translate into straight binary you just need to xor the least
significant bit by the most significant bit (just arbitrarily choose
whether A or B is most significant, then if the position doesn't 'go' in
the right direction reverse them).

So do something like this. This code must be called either every time an
encoder input changes (which would require that you set up the encoder
inputs to interrupt on change) or often enough that you're guaranteed to
catch every encoder change (which requires that you figure out the
maximum possible speed of the encoder and make sure you call this code at
least once for each encoder output state -- I'd aim for twice).

Don't just copy this code in and expect it to work. In fact, don't
_touch_ this until you've worked out the operation on paper and
understand _why_ it works. Working with encoders is easy, once you've
turned your brain upside down.

static int position;
int x, diff;

x = (port capture such that x.0 = A and x.1 = B,
and all higher bits are zero);
x ^= x >> 1; // xor x.0 with x.1
diff = (position - x) & 0x0003; // get the difference in the LSB
switch (diff)
case 1:
--position; // encoder has decremented, follow it

case 2:
// encoder has incremented or decremented twice,
// we're lost
(insert your error recovery here)

case 3:
++position; // encoder has incremented, follow it

case 0:
// encoder hasn't moved

From: Chris Stratton on
On Sep 24, 10:35 am, Tim Wescott <t...(a)> wrote:

> So do something like this.  This code must be called either every time an
> encoder input changes (which would require that you set up the encoder
> inputs to interrupt on change) or often enough that you're guaranteed to
> catch every encoder change

The fun of course being that it requires either interrupts that can be
set to trigger on either edge, or keeping the interrupt configuration
register up to date with which edge should be expected next, or
running each signal into two pins one set to trigger on rising and the
other on falling...
From: TTman on

"Chris Stratton" <cs07024(a)> wrote in message
On Sep 24, 10:35 am, Tim Wescott <t...(a)> wrote:

> So do something like this. This code must be called either every time an
> encoder input changes (which would require that you set up the encoder
> inputs to interrupt on change) or often enough that you're guaranteed to
> catch every encoder change

The fun of course being that it requires either interrupts that can be
set to trigger on either edge, or keeping the interrupt configuration
register up to date with which edge should be expected next, or
running each signal into two pins one set to trigger on rising and the
other on falling...
Isn't it just as effective to do it in hardware with flipflops.... giving
step and direction ?

From: Rich Webb on
On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 08:56:26 -0500, "vibz86" <vibz86(a)> wrote:

>Hi folks,
>Im having great trouble in pic programming and hope someone can help me.Im
>designing a motor controller circuit using pic 16f877a. Iv got a single
>ended quadrature encoder (It has 5 outputs - a channel, b channel, z
>channel, 5v, ground). Iv finished the coding for the motor controller part
>in mikroc. NowI dont know how to do the programming for this encoder.

Unless I'm extremely constrained by cost or board space or whatever,
I've found that life is simpler by letting an external chip handle
reading quadrature encoders. Nowadays it's usually this guy:

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA