From: DHarray on

I want to enumerate my Band Objects with the use of IBandSite because i
need a special band id for my application:

_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IBandSite, __uuidof(IBandSite));


// ...

IBandSitePtr bs;
if (bs)
LONG count = bs->EnumBands(UINT(-1), 0);

printf("%i",count); // -2147023116

// ...


Any idea why EnumBands returns a wrong value? MSDN said that the first
value has to be "-1" to get the number of bands. thanks for any help
From: Stuart Redmann on
DHarray wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to enumerate my Band Objects with the use of IBandSite because i
> need a special band id for my application:
> _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(IBandSite, __uuidof(IBandSite));
> CoInitialize(NULL);
> // ...
> IBandSitePtr bs;
> bs.CreateInstance(CLSID_TrayBandSiteService);
> if (bs)
> {
> LONG count = bs->EnumBands(UINT(-1), 0);

DWORD Dummy;
HRESULT hr = bs->EnumBands ((UINT)-1, &Dummy);

and add

if (!SUCCEEDED (hr))
// Some error handling.

> printf("%i",count); // -2147023116

Use the errlook tool that ships with Visual Studio to look up this error
code. It will tell you that you have passed a NULL pointer for a
top-level pointer, which is not allowed.

> }
> // ...
> CoUninitialize();
> Any idea why EnumBands returns a wrong value? MSDN said that the first
> value has to be "-1" to get the number of bands. thanks for any help

Though the second parameter to EnumBands will be ignored, you cannot
pass a NULL pointer to the method (the call is made through a proxy
which check that all top-level pointers are valid).

This example shows that even Microsoft can create really, really awful
APIs. It would have been quite easy to introduce a method
HRESULT IBandSite::GetNumberOfBands ([out, retval] int* RetVal),
instead of this ugly 'When you pass a minus one as _unsigned int_
parameter!!!, you'll get this, else you'll get that humdrum. Take this
as an example of how to _not_ create an API.
