From: Archimedes Plutonium on
I am going to a new thread on this book starting with #514, for it is
taking Google too
long to download, and Google does not like these massive long threads.
They probably
cut them off at 200 posts.

> If this conjecture is true and turns into a theorem, it is probably
> far more important to Physics
> than it is to mathematics, because this would be the equivalent to the
> Least Action Principle
> in that it is the Least Unit Tiler Principle, and it starkly shows the
> importance of a 60 degree
> rotation rather than the 90 degree rotation. That the Least Action
> Principle works on 60 degrees for (i) and not 90 degrees.
> Archimedes Plutonium
> whole entire Universe is just one big atom
> where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies