Prev: CDONTS or CDOSYS UTF-8 Email
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From: Abdhul Saleem on 23 Nov 2006 04:13 Hi, I am recieving error ActiveX component can't create object in the following line in the asp page. set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Previously this code was working fine. Thanks in advance.
From: Mike Brind on 23 Nov 2006 07:52 "Abdhul Saleem" <AbdhulSaleem(a)> wrote in message news:5A6A9772-069E-4C55-B1F9-D59EAFBCB4A4(a) > Hi, > > I am recieving error ActiveX component can't create object in the > following > line in the asp page. > > set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") > > Previously this code was working fine. > What changed? -- Mike Brind
From: Abdhul Saleem on 23 Nov 2006 08:03 No code changes. It was working fine 2 days back. From yesterday, I am receiving the error. PFB the entire asp page code. <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %> <% OPTION EXPLICIT %> <% ON ERROR RESUME NEXT %> <html> <body> <% Dim IntRecordCount Dim rsBillingRpt Dim intLoop_i Dim intLoop_j Dim intIndexRow Dim intHours Dim strDay 'Dim objConnIntratime Dim month_id dim strSp Dim strAsscID Dim strRange Dim objWorkSheet Dim intTotalNoOfSheets Dim intCurrentSheet Dim strCurrentSheetName Dim intNoOfResources Dim intTaskRow Dim intTaskCol dim intTaskSNo Dim ExcelApp Dim ExcelBook Dim PROJECT_NAME_OLD Dim ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD Dim LOCATION_OLD Dim TASK_NAME Dim PROJECT_NAME Dim ASSOCIATE_NAME Dim LOCATION Dim PROJECT_ID Dim CLIENT_MANAGER Dim DIVISION Dim SUB_PROJECT_ID Dim SUB_PROJECT_NAME Dim SUB_TASK_ID Dim SUB_TASK_NAME Dim ASSOCIATE_ID Dim NO_OF_DAYS Dim total_HOURS Dim strServerPath Dim strExcelFileName Dim strExcelFilePath Dim intResourceHours Dim intProjectHours Dim blnNewResource Dim blnNewProject Dim strTemp Dim intSaturdayStCol Dim intSundayCol Dim intResourceStRow Dim intResourceEndRow Dim blnSaturDayFound Dim blnSundayFound Dim intHolidayColor Dim strResourceLink Dim intNoOfRecords Dim iArrHoliday Dim iArrLeave Dim strHoliday Dim strLeave Dim iTemp Dim iHeaderRow %> <!-- #include file="../include/common.asp"--> <!-- #include file="../include/" --> <% strResourceLink = "" intTotalNoOfSheets = 3 intCurrentSheet = 1 intNoOfResources = 0 blnSaturDayFound = false blnSundayFound = false intSaturdayStCol = 4 intSundayCol = 0 intHolidayColor = lightGray intLoop_i = 2 intIndexRow = 1 PROJECT_NAME = "" ASSOCIATE_NAME = "" intResourceHours = 0 intProjectHours = 0 blnNewResource = false blnNewProject = false intNoOfRecords = 0 strHoliday = "" strLeave = "" month_id = Request("MONTH_YEAR") if ( month_id = "" or len(month_id) = 0 ) THEN Response.Write ("Month and Year is mandatory to create billing report.") response.end end if if ( NOT isdate("01-" & month_id ) ) THEN Response.Write ("<BR><Font color=red size=5>Invalid Month and Year.</Font>") response.end end if 'For Testing 'month_id = "Jul-2006" strSp = SP_MNTH_BILLING_REPORT & " '" & month_id &"'" 'OPEN EXCEL Application Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") if ( Err.number <> 0) THEN Response.Write ("Err.number[" & Err.number & "] Err.Description[" & Err.Description & "]") response.end end if ExcelApp.Application.Visible = True Set ExcelBook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add 'Set the first sheet as the index sheet and insert sheet headings ExcelBook.Worksheets("sheet1").Name = "Index" strCurrentSheetName = "Index" strRange = "B" & intIndexRow & ":E" & intIndexRow ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,3).value = "Timesheet for the month of " & month_id SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intIndexRow, "B", "E" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, true, true, xlCenter, xlBottom intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,3).value = "Billing Details" SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intIndexRow, "B", "E" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, lightOrange, true, true, xlCenter, xlBottom intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,2).value = "S.NO" ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,3).value = "Resource Name" ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,4).value = "Location" ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,5).value = "Billable Hours" ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 30 ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Columns(BillableHoursCol & ":" & BillableHoursCol).ColumnWidth = 13.2 SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intIndexRow, "B", "E" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, lightOrange, true, false, xlLeft, xlBottom intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 'OPEN SQL CONNECTION 'Set objConnIntratime = server.createobject("adodb.connection") 'objConnIntratime.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=HQSQ5610D;DATABASE=PUBS;UID=Intratime;PWD=Intratime;" 'objConnIntratime.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=HQWLC831428\MYSQL_INSTANCE;DATABASE=PUBS;UID=TAPPMO;PWD=TAPPMO;" ''Response.Write("<BR>" & objConnIntratime.ConnectionString) 'objConnIntratime.Open 'objConnIntratime.CommandTimeout = 360 EstablishConnection set rsBillingRpt = objConnIntratime.execute(strSp) 'LOOP through the result_set DO WHILE NOT rsBillingRpt.EOF intNoOfRecords = intNoOfRecords + 1 PROJECT_NAME_OLD = PROJECT_NAME ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD = ASSOCIATE_NAME LOCATION_OLD = LOCATION 'OLD VALUE SAVED FOR FOLLOWING FIELDS PROJECT_NAME =rsBillingRpt("PROJECT_NAME") ASSOCIATE_NAME =rsBillingRpt("ASSOCIATE_LAST_NAME") & ", " & rsBillingRpt("ASSOCIATE_FIRST_NAME") PROJECT_ID =cint(rsBillingRpt("PROJECT_ID")) CLIENT_MANAGER =rsBillingRpt("CLIENT_MANAGER") LOCATION =rsBillingRpt("LOCATION") 'check if new project if PROJECT_NAME_OLD <> PROJECT_NAME then blnNewProject = true blnNewResource = true intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,3).value = PROJECT_NAME & "(" & CLIENT_MANAGER & ")" SetSelection "Index", intIndexRow, "B", "E" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, lightBlue, true, false, xlLeft, xlBottom intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 if( PROJECT_NAME_OLD <> "" ) THEN Response.Write("<BR> NEW PROJECT intResourceHours[" & intResourceHours & "] ASSOCIATE_NAME[" & ASSOCIATE_NAME & "] ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD[" & ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD & "]") end if intProjectHours = 0 intResourceHours = 0 else blnNewProject = false blnNewResource = false end if ' 'OLD VALUE NOT SAVED FOR FOLLOWING FIELDS DIVISION =rsBillingRpt("DIVISION") SUB_PROJECT_ID =rsBillingRpt("SUB_PROJECT_ID") SUB_PROJECT_NAME =rsBillingRpt("SUB_PROJECT_NAME") SUB_TASK_ID =rsBillingRpt("SUB_TASK_ID") SUB_TASK_NAME =rsBillingRpt("SUB_TASK_NAME") ASSOCIATE_ID =rsBillingRpt("ASSOCIATE_ID") NO_OF_DAYS = cint(rsBillingRpt("NO_OF_DAYS") ) 'total_HOURS = cint(rsBillingRpt("total_HOURS") ) total_HOURS = cdbl(rsBillingRpt("total_HOURS")) IF ( SUB_TASK_NAME = "Total Hours" ) THEN ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,2).value = intNoOfResources ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,3).value = ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,4).value = LOCATION_OLD ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Cells(intIndexRow,5).value = intResourceHours SetSelection "Index", intIndexRow, "B", "E" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, false, false, xlLeft, xlBottom 'SET hyperLink in the INDEX Sheet strTemp = "C" & intIndexRow ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Select ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Range(strTemp).Select ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add ExcelApp.Selection, "", strResourceLink, ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD Response.Write ("<BR>strResourceLink[" & strResourceLink & "] ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD[" & ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD & "]") intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 END IF 'check new resource if ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD <> ASSOCIATE_NAME then blnNewResource = true if (ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD <> "" ) then Response.Write("<BR> NEW RESOURCE intResourceHours[" & intResourceHours & "] ASSOCIATE_NAME[" & ASSOCIATE_NAME & "] ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD[" & ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD & "]") end IF intResourceHours = 0 intNoOfResources = intNoOfResources + 1 else blnNewResource = false end if 'New project create new worksheet if ( blnNewProject ) then intCurrentSheet = intCurrentSheet + 1 iHeaderRow = 1 intTaskRow = 5 intTaskCol = 2 ExcelBook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Select ExcelBook.Worksheets.add ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Columns(TaskNameCol & ":" & TaskNameCol).ColumnWidth = 30 strCurrentSheetName = mid(PROJECT_NAME,1,30) ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Name = strCurrentSheetName ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(iHeaderRow,3).value = "Timesheet for the month of " & month_id SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, iHeaderRow, "B", "AH" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, true, true, xlCenter, xlBottom iHeaderRow = iHeaderRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(iHeaderRow,4).value = "Legend" SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, iHeaderRow, "D", "G" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, true, true, xlCenter, xlBottom iHeaderRow = iHeaderRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(iHeaderRow,5).value = "Holiday" SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, iHeaderRow, "E", "H" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, true, true, xlCenter, xlBottom ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(iHeaderRow,13).value = "Leave" SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, iHeaderRow, "M", "P" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, true, true, xlCenter, xlBottom ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 3).Value = "Client Manager: " & CLIENT_MANAGER 'Set the new sheets font Size to default size ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells.Select ExcelApp.Selection.Font.Size = NormalFont SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intTaskRow, "B", "AJ" SetFont BigFont, DarkBlue, true ExcelApp.WorkSheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(iHeaderRow, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = intHolidayColor ExcelApp.WorkSheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(iHeaderRow, 12).Interior.ColorIndex = 39 Dim objRange Set objRange = ExcelApp.Range("C1").EntireColumn objRange.WrapText = TRUE intTaskRow = intTaskRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 30 END if IF (blnNewResource OR blnNewProject) then intTaskRow = intTaskRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 3).Value = "Resource Name: " & ASSOCIATE_NAME strResourceLink = "'" & strCurrentSheetName & "'!C" & intTaskRow SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intTaskRow, "B", "AJ" SetFont NormalFont, Black, true intTaskRow = intTaskRow + 1 ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 3).Value = "Location: " & LOCATION SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intTaskRow, "B", "AJ" SetFont NormalFont, Black, true intTaskRow = intTaskRow + 1 intResourceStRow = intTaskRow ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 2).Value = "S.NO" ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 3).Value = "Task Name" for intLoop_i = 1 to NO_OF_DAYS strDay = rsBillingRpt("day_" & intLoop_i & "_day") & "" if ( (ucase(strDay) = "SAT") and (not blnSaturDayFound)) then blnSaturDayFound = true intSaturdayStCol = intLoop_i + 3 elseif ((ucase(strDay) = "SUN") and (not blnSaturDayFound) and (not blnSundayFound)) then intSundayCol = intLoop_i + 3 blnSundayFound = true end if strDay = strDay & " " & intLoop_i 'ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = strDay if intLoop_i <= 9 then ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = cstr(intLoop_i) & space(1) else ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = intLoop_i end if next ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = "Total Hours" ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 4)).value = "Department" 'Color code the Resource-task header SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intTaskRow, "B", "AJ" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, lightOrange, true, false, xlLeft, xlBottom Response.Write("strTemp[" & strTemp & "] <BR>") intTaskRow = intTaskRow + 1 intTaskSNo = 1 strHoliday = "" strLeave = "" end if if lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) <> "leave" and lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) <> "holiday" then 'Fill the Resource hours if ( SUB_TASK_NAME <> "Total Hours" ) THEN ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 2).Value = intTaskSNo if ( SUB_TASK_NAME <> "Total Hours" ) THEN TASK_NAME = SUB_PROJECT_NAME & "-" & SUB_TASK_NAME else TASK_NAME = SUB_TASK_NAME end if ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 3).Value = TASK_NAME for intLoop_i = 1 to NO_OF_DAYS 'intHours = cint(rsBillingRpt("day_" & intLoop_i & "_hours")) intHours = cdbl(rsBillingRpt("day_" & intLoop_i & "_hours")) if( intHours <> 0) THEN 'ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = cint(intHours) ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = cdbl(intHours) end if next 'Add Total Hours for the resource 'ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = cint(total_HOURS) ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 3)).value = cdbl(total_HOURS) ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, (intLoop_i + 4)).value = rsBillingRpt("Department") else for intLoop_i = 1 to NO_OF_DAYS iTemp = intLoop_i + 3 intHours = cdbl(rsBillingRpt("day_" & intLoop_i & "_hours")) if (intHours <> 0) THEN if lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) = "leave" then strLeave = strLeave & cstr(iTemp) & "," elseif lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) = "holiday" then strHoliday = strHoliday & cstr(iTemp) & "," end if end if next end if SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intTaskRow, "B", "AJ" if lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) <> "leave" and lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) <> "holiday" then 'if ( SUB_TASK_NAME <> "Total Hours" ) THEN intResourceHours = intResourceHours + cint(total_HOURS) if ( SUB_TASK_NAME <> "Total Hours" ) THEN intResourceHours = intResourceHours + cdbl(total_HOURS) 'if ( SUB_TASK_NAME <> "Total Hours" ) THEN intProjectHours = intProjectHours + cint(total_HOURS) if ( SUB_TASK_NAME <> "Total Hours" ) THEN intProjectHours = intProjectHours + cdbl(total_HOURS) end if if ( SUB_TASK_NAME <> "Total Hours" ) THEN SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, false, false, xlLeft, xlBottom else 'TOTAL row SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, lightOrange, TRUE, false, xlLeft, xlBottom intResourceEndRow = intTaskRow SetHolidayColor SetVacationColor intTaskRow = intTaskRow + 2 ExcelBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intTaskRow, 3).value = "Total Billable Hours =" & intResourceHours & "" SetSelection strCurrentSheetName, intTaskRow, "B", "AJ" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection,lightGreen, true, true, xlCenter, xlBottom end if if lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) <> "leave" and lcase(SUB_TASK_NAME) <> "holiday" then intTaskRow = intTaskRow + 1 intTaskSNo = intTaskSNo + 1 Response.Write( "<BR> NORMAL intResourceHours[" & intResourceHours & "] ASSOCIATE_NAME[" & ASSOCIATE_NAME & "] ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD[" & ASSOCIATE_NAME_OLD & "]") end if rsBillingRpt.MoveNext Loop '#################################### FORMATING START ######################################## IntRecordCount = rsBillingRpt.RecordCount SetSelection "Index", intIndexRow, "B", "E" SetAllBorder ExcelApp.Selection, xlNone, false, false, xlLeft, xlBottom intIndexRow = intIndexRow + 1 'Delete unwanted sheets ExcelBook.Worksheets("Sheet2").delete ExcelBook.Worksheets("Sheet3").delete 'Set the days column width FOR intLoop_i = 2 to intCurrentSheet ExcelBook.Worksheets(intLoop_i).Columns("D:AJ").EntireColumn.AutoFit Next ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Select '#################################### FORMATING END ######################################## strServerPath = Server.MapPath(".") strExcelFileName = "./BillingReport/" & Session.SessionID & "_" & year(now()) & month(now()) & day(now()) & hour(now()) & minute(now()) & second(now()) & ".XLS" strExcelFilePath = strServerPath & strExcelFileName ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Select ExcelBook.Worksheets("Index").Range("A1:A1").Select ExcelBook.SaveAs strExcelFilePath 'Response.Write("strExcelFilePath[" & strExcelFilePath & "] strExcelFileName[" & strExcelFileName & "] strServerPath[" & strServerPath & "]") on error resume next 'Close EXCEL Application EXCEL.EXE ExcelApp.Application.Quit Set ExcelApp = Nothing 'Close Record-set Set rsBillingRpt = Nothing objConnIntratime.close() 'Close Connection set objConnIntratime = nothing if ( intNoOfRecords = 0 ) then Response.Write("<BR><Font color=red size=5>No resources entered time for " & month_id & "</font>") Response.end end if 'Redirect the user to EXCEL if( Err.number = 0 ) THEN Response.Redirect(strExcelFileName) Response.end else Response.Write("ERROR: Unknown error occured Err.number[" & Err.number & "] Err.Description[" & Err.Description & "]") End IF %> <a href='.<%= strExcelFileName %>' target="EXCEL_REPORT">Billing_report</a> </body> </html> <% '################################################################################################################### 'Sub Routine Name: SetSelection 'Paramaters : 1) SheetName 2) Row# 3) startColumn# 4)End Colummn# 'Description : Sets the EXCEL selection for the given cell row and column ranges ' '################################################################################################################### public Sub SetSelection ( ByVal p_SheetName, ByVal p_row, ByVal p_startCol, ByVal p_endCol) ExcelBook.Worksheets(p_SheetName).Select strTemp = p_startCol & p_row & ":" & p_endCol & p_row ExcelBook.Worksheets(p_SheetName).Range(strTemp).Select End Sub '################################################################################################################### 'Sub Routine Name: SetHolidayColor 'Paramaters : None 'Description : Sets the holiday color for the Saturday and Sunday ' '################################################################################################################### Public Sub SetHolidayColor Dim intI Dim intJ Dim intK intJ = intSaturdayStCol intK = intSundayCol Do while (intJ <= (NO_OF_DAYS+3)) For intI = intResourceStRow to intResourceEndRow ExcelApp.WorkSheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intI, intJ).Interior.ColorIndex = intHolidayColor if ( (intJ + 1) <= (NO_OF_DAYS+3) ) then ExcelApp.WorkSheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intI, (intJ +1)).Interior.ColorIndex = intHolidayColor End IF next intJ = intJ + 7 Loop if intK <= (NO_OF_DAYS+3) and intK <> 0 then For intI = intResourceStRow to intResourceEndRow ExcelApp.WorkSheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intI, intK).Interior.ColorIndex = intHolidayColor next end if End Sub Public Sub SetVacationColor Dim intI Dim intJ if strHoliday <> "" then strHoliday = Left(strHoliday,len(strHoliday)-1) iArrHoliday = Split(strHoliday,",") For intJ = intResourceStRow to intResourceEndRow For intI = 0 to ubound(iArrHoliday) ExcelApp.WorkSheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intJ, cint(iArrHoliday(intI))).Interior.ColorIndex = intHolidayColor next next end if if strLeave <> "" then strLeave = Left(strLeave,len(strLeave)-1) iArrLeave = Split(strLeave,",") For intJ = intResourceStRow to intResourceEndRow For intI = 0 to ubound(iArrLeave) ExcelApp.WorkSheets(intCurrentSheet).Cells(intJ, cint(iArrLeave(intI))).Interior.ColorIndex = 39 next next end if End Sub '################################################################################################################### 'Sub Routine Name: SetFont 'Paramaters : 1) Font Size 2) Font Color Index 3)Font Bold (Y/N) 'Description : Sets the given font properties for the cells that are already selected ' '################################################################################################################### Public Sub SetFont (ByRef p_intFontSize, ByRef p_intFontColor, ByRef p_blnBold) ExcelApp.Selection.Font.Bold = p_blnBold ExcelApp.Selection.Font.Size = p_intFontSize ExcelApp.Selection.Font.ColorIndex = p_intFontColor End Sub '################################################################################################################### 'Sub Routine Name: SetAllBorder 'Paramaters : 1) Selection 2) Interior Color Index 3)Font Bold (Y/N) 4) Merge Cells(Y/N) 5)Horizantal alignment 6) Vertical Alignment 'Description : Sets the given font properties for the cells that are already selected ' '################################################################################################################### Public Sub SetAllBorder(Byref selection, ByVal p_intColor, ByVal p_blnBold, ByVal p_blnMerge, ByVal p_intHAlign, ByVal p_intVAlign) ExcelApp.Selection.Font.Bold = p_blnBold ExcelApp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = p_intColor ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = xlThin ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlThin ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlContinuous ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThin ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlContinuous ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlThin ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlContinuous ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).Weight = xlThin ExcelApp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical).ColorIndex = xlAutomatic ExcelApp.Selection.MergeCells = p_blnMerge ExcelApp.Selection.HorizontalAlignment = p_intHAlign ExcelApp.Selection.VerticalAlignment = p_intVAlign End Sub %> "Mike Brind" wrote: > > "Abdhul Saleem" <AbdhulSaleem(a)> wrote in message > news:5A6A9772-069E-4C55-B1F9-D59EAFBCB4A4(a) > > Hi, > > > > I am recieving error ActiveX component can't create object in the > > following > > line in the asp page. > > > > set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") > > > > Previously this code was working fine. > > > > What changed? > > -- > Mike Brind > > >
From: Mike Brind on 23 Nov 2006 10:28 "Abdhul Saleem" <AbdhulSaleem(a)> wrote in message news:8EFCBFB3-297E-4C55-BC1A-9EDB206613E9(a) > "Mike Brind" wrote: > >> >> "Abdhul Saleem" <AbdhulSaleem(a)> wrote in message >> news:5A6A9772-069E-4C55-B1F9-D59EAFBCB4A4(a) >> > Hi, >> > >> > I am recieving error ActiveX component can't create object in the >> > following >> > line in the asp page. >> > >> > set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") >> > >> > Previously this code was working fine. >> > >> >> What changed? >> > No code changes. It was working fine 2 days back. From yesterday, I am > receiving the error. [snipped] What about changes on the Server? Updates? Removal of Excel? Changed server altogether? -- Mike Brind
From: Abdhul Saleem on 27 Nov 2006 01:16 Yes, Office was unistalled in the server. Now it has been reinstalled and working fine Thanks. "Mike Brind" wrote: > > "Abdhul Saleem" <AbdhulSaleem(a)> wrote in message > news:8EFCBFB3-297E-4C55-BC1A-9EDB206613E9(a) > > "Mike Brind" wrote: > > > >> > >> "Abdhul Saleem" <AbdhulSaleem(a)> wrote in message > >> news:5A6A9772-069E-4C55-B1F9-D59EAFBCB4A4(a) > >> > Hi, > >> > > >> > I am recieving error ActiveX component can't create object in the > >> > following > >> > line in the asp page. > >> > > >> > set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") > >> > > >> > Previously this code was working fine. > >> > > >> > >> What changed? > >> > > No code changes. It was working fine 2 days back. From yesterday, I am > > receiving the error. > > [snipped] > > What about changes on the Server? Updates? Removal of Excel? Changed > server altogether? > > -- > Mike Brind > > >
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