From: Hancel on
Did you install it with IE7?

If you do, then please try this file:

You can download it from:

It fix the IE7 bug for Outlook and Outlook Express.


"Scott" wrote:

> I recently had to reinstall my software and can not get my hotmail account
> working with outlook express again. Any suggestions as to what is wrong.
> We have 2 computers and it still works fine on the other one.
> Here is the the text of the error:
> Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. Account: 'Hotmail',
> Server: '', Protocol:
> HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Invalid login.', Port 0, Secure(SSL): No, Error
> Number: 0x800CCC32
> Any help would be most appreciated.
From: joe on

"Hancel" wrote:

> Did you install it with IE7?
> If you do, then please try this file:
> WindowsXP-KB904942-v2-x86-ESN.exe
> You can download it from:
> It fix the IE7 bug for Outlook and Outlook Express.
> CU
> "Scott" wrote:
> > I recently had to reinstall my software and can not get my hotmail account
> > working with outlook express again. Any suggestions as to what is wrong.
> > We have 2 computers and it still works fine on the other one.
> >
> > Here is the the text of the error:
> >
> > Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. Account: 'Hotmail',
> > Server: '', Protocol:
> > HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Invalid login.', Port 0, Secure(SSL): No, Error
> > Number: 0x800CCC32
> >
> > Any help would be most appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
From: joe on
I went into the option in internet explorer. Set security to custom level
used defaults and under security-user authentication -logins I checked
automatic login only in interconnect zone. That seemed to work.
However, at the same time, I went into IE (ver 6) and set the Privacy to
“accept all cookies” but after I set it back to medium OE still worked.
Hope this helps.

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