From: Emmans49 Solorio on
I've installed MatLab R2009z student version on my Mac. I am running snow leopard, and get this error when I try to load MatLab:

Can't load library: / Applications/ _Miscellaneous/ / bin/ maci64/ libactivation.jnilib

I don't know what is happening. I am a new to Mac. I am asked to look at the following file for more information:

See the log file: (/ var/ folders/ -d/ -dYaxJXyHNmwuBbVr7RiVk+++TI/ -Tmp-/ TMW_svact_useruser.log) for more details.

How do I get there? Anyone know how to solve this error? I can't open the program.


From: Cristina Munoz on
I'm having this same problem...
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Mar 16, 10:48 pm, "Cristina Munoz" <cm.aleph...(a)> wrote:
> I'm having this same problem...

Call the Mathworks. They offer free telephone support for
installation problems - even for the student edition.
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