From: DaveC on

Using Firefox, I enter some search terms, and from the drop-down menus I
select "Sales/Wanted" and "Electronics". Then, rather than selecting
particular cities, I choose the region "West Coast".

When I click the Search button, I get the error "You must choose at least one
city to search!" I thought that selecting a region superseded choosing

I think it's a bug.

This seems to be a recent problem. I used CrazedList, successfully about a
year ago but now when I try it I'm getting this error.

Anybody else getting this error? Solutions?

(CrazedList says it won't won't work with Safari -- something about requiring
disabling of "referrers"...)


Mac OS X 10.5.8
Firefox 3.5.5

From: DaveC on
FYI, CrazedList works fine in Opera 10.


From: notme on
> you have to use a browser other than Safari if you want to successfully
> use the site?

If you re-read my post you might stumble over:

"Using Firefox ... I get the error "You must choose at least one city to

("Now where did I leave those reading glasses...")

From: DaveC on
> I saw that, no need to re-read. I apologize for assuming you knew how
> to parse a sentence.
> What part of the message "You must choose at least one city to search!"
> confused you? The word "must" seems to me to be a bit of a giveaway.

OK, I'm done. You apparently are abusing a substance or have a handicap that
interferes with your comprehension skills. I will presume the latter and wish
you well if it is the former.

Can someone who actually understands what the problem is please contribute?

From: Tim McNamara on
In article <111120090809335499%dave(a)>,
Dave Balderstone <dave(a)> wrote:

> In article
> <0001HW.C71FA52C0025D3F2B08A39AF(a)>, DaveC
> <invalid(a)> wrote:
> > (CrazedList says it won't won't work with Safari -- something about
> > requiring disabling of "referrers"...)
> Hmm.
> CrazedList says it doesn't work in Safari. In a big popup when you
> visit the site in Safari, no less.

Huh. Safari 4.0.3 on OS X 10.4.11 and works
just fine for me. No popups, no problems. Weird.