From: "JR "Bob" Dobbs" on
I have a .NET assembly that I have exposed through COM. I am able to use the
object with cfobject. I would like to create a java stub for ColdFusion 7. I
have used the com2java tool to create the .java files from the .tlb for the com
object, but am recieving error messages when I try to compile them.

Command used: javac -J-mx100m -J-ms100m *.java -classpath
C:\CFusionMX7\lib\jintegra.jar illegal start of expression
static { .JIntegraInit.init(); }
^ illegal start of expression
static { .JIntegraInit.init(); }
2 errors

My platform is Windows 2003, ColdFusion 7.02

Any help is appreciated.