From: PerlFAQ Server on 17 Mar 2010 12:00 This is an excerpt from the latest version perlfaq5.pod, which comes with the standard Perl distribution. These postings aim to reduce the number of repeated questions as well as allow the community to review and update the answers. The latest version of the complete perlfaq is at . -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.28: How can I read in an entire file all at once? You can use the File::Slurp module to do it in one step. use File::Slurp; $all_of_it = read_file($filename); # entire file in scalar @all_lines = read_file($filename); # one line per element The customary Perl approach for processing all the lines in a file is to do so one line at a time: open (INPUT, $file) || die "can't open $file: $!"; while (<INPUT>) { chomp; # do something with $_ } close(INPUT) || die "can't close $file: $!"; This is tremendously more efficient than reading the entire file into memory as an array of lines and then processing it one element at a time, which is often--if not almost always--the wrong approach. Whenever you see someone do this: @lines = <INPUT>; you should think long and hard about why you need everything loaded at once. It's just not a scalable solution. You might also find it more fun to use the standard Tie::File module, or the DB_File module's $DB_RECNO bindings, which allow you to tie an array to a file so that accessing an element the array actually accesses the corresponding line in the file. You can read the entire filehandle contents into a scalar. { local(*INPUT, $/); open (INPUT, $file) || die "can't open $file: $!"; $var = <INPUT>; } That temporarily undefs your record separator, and will automatically close the file at block exit. If the file is already open, just use this: $var = do { local $/; <INPUT> }; For ordinary files you can also use the read function. read( INPUT, $var, -s INPUT ); The third argument tests the byte size of the data on the INPUT filehandle and reads that many bytes into the buffer $var. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The perlfaq-workers, a group of volunteers, maintain the perlfaq. They are not necessarily experts in every domain where Perl might show up, so please include as much information as possible and relevant in any corrections. The perlfaq-workers also don't have access to every operating system or platform, so please include relevant details for corrections to examples that do not work on particular platforms. Working code is greatly appreciated. If you'd like to help maintain the perlfaq, see the details in perlfaq.pod.
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