From: David Cubero on 18 Jun 2010 14:21 In file exchange there is an example of Fmdemodulation but i do not know what beta is; nayone knows something? thank you very much function y = FM(x,beta) [r, c] = size(x); if r*c == 0 y = []; return; end; if (r == 1) x = x(:); len = c; else len = r; end; Df = 2*pi*beta*100; x = interp(x,20); x = x*Df; Fs = 20*8000; Fc = 40000; t = (0:1/Fs:((size(x,1)-1)/Fs))'; t = t(:, ones(1, size(x, 2))); x = 2 / Fs * pi * x; x = [zeros(1, size(x, 2)); cumsum(x(1:size(x,1)-1, :))]; y = cos(2 * pi * Fc * t + x ); plot(y)
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