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From: Dan Abner on 6 Jan 2010 09:44 Hello, Can anyone see problems with the PROC FORMAT (or PRINT) steps below? PRINT goes into an infinite loop ("PROC PRINT running"), however, if I comment out the use of the LFMT. format, the step runs fine. * PROC* *FORMAT*; PICTURE ZFMT LOW-*0* = 'NA' *0*<-HIGH = '9.999'; VALUE PFMT *0* - *0.0001* = '<0.0001' -*9999* = 'NA' OTHER = [*6.4*]; VALUE LFMT -*9999* = 'NA' OTHER = [*6.3*]; * RUN*; * DATA* TABLE; MERGE H5 H10 H3 H8; Ej = TOTAL*PRIORS; * PROC* *MEANS* DATA = TABLE; VAR EJ; OUTPUT OUT = H11 SUM(EJ)=Ej; * DATA* H11 (KEEP = EJ); SET H11; * DATA* TABLE2; SET TABLE END = LAST; IF LAST THEN SET H11; Z = (NJJ - EJ)/SQRT(EJ*(TOTAL - EJ)/TOTAL); P = *1*-PROBNORM(Z); LB = NJJ - (PROBIT(*1*-&ALPHA))*SQRT(EJ*(TOTAL - EJ)/TOTAL); *I = (NJJ/TOTAL)-(); IF Z < *0* THEN DO; P = -*9999*; LB = -*9999*; END; FORMAT Z ZFMT. P PFMT.; FORMAT LB LFMT.; * PROC* *PRINT*; * RUN*;
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