From: kmlee on
Hi Steven

Steven Lord wrote:
> "kmlee" <kmleeAT(a)> wrote in message
> news:ef11a17.-1(a)webx.raydaftYaTP...
>> Hello to all
>> Recently, Hamed Masnadi-Shirazi released his Matlab source for
> Face
>> Detection using Adaboost as part of an assignment. I have taken
> the
>> code and modified it quite a bit. But importantly, optimized to
> run
>> 30 times faster.
>> I have some interesting observations with which I'd like some
>> discussion / collaboration with.
>> I've tried looking at other boosting / machine learning boards,
> but
>> they look rather deserted.
>> For example, this code runs like the blazes in Matlab 6.1 but
> about
>> four times slower in 6.5.1.
> Try profiling the code in both MATLAB 6.1 and 6.5.1, then look at
> what
> section of the code took the longest in 6.5.1 or what slowed down
> the most
> between the two MATLAB releases. If you need help figuring out a
> way to
> improve the performance of that section, I'm sure the regular
> readers would
> be happy to offer suggestions.
> --
> Steve Lord
> slord(a)

Thank you for your response. I don't think I'll really bother at this
time as Matlab is constantly evolving and what is broken will be
fixed (?) - or left behind (< ver 7 not available for win 98 - : (

We'll just use what works - till then!

Just wanted to see what others experience.

From: mark on
kmlee wrote:
> Recently, Hamed Masnadi-Shirazi released his Matlab source for Face
> Detection using Adaboost as part of an assignment.
Do you know where I can access it from?