From: lilixiang_20080606 on 14 May 2010 11:29 tic w=load_database(); %% Initializations % We randomly pick an image from our database and use the rest of the % images for training. Training is done on 399 pictues. We later % use the randomly selectted picture to test the algorithm. ri=round(400*rand(1,1)); % Randomly pick an index. r=w(:,ri); % r contains the image we later on will use to test the algorithm v=w(:,[1:ri-1 ri+1:end]); % v contains the rest of the 399 images. N=20; % Number of signatures used for each image. %% Subtracting the mean from v O=uint8(ones(1,size(v,2))); m=uint8(mean(v,2)); % m is the maen of all images. vzm=v-uint8(single(m)*single(O)); % vzm is v with the mean removed. %% Calculating eignevectors of the correlation matrix % We are picking N of the 400 eigenfaces. L=single(vzm)'*single(vzm); [V,D]=eig(L); V=single(vzm)*V; V=V(:,end:-1:end-(N-1)); % Pick the eignevectors corresponding to the 10 largest eigenvalues. %% Calculating the signature for each image cv=zeros(size(v,2),N); for i=1:size(v,2); cv(i,:)=single(vzm(:,i))'*V; % Each row in cv is the signature for one image. end %% Recognition % Now, we run the algorithm and see if we can correctly recognize the face. subplot(121); imshow(reshape(r,112,92));title('Looking for ...','FontWeight','bold','Fontsize',16,'color','red'); subplot(122); p=r-m; % Subtract the mean s=single(p)'*V; z=[]; for i=1:size(v,2) z=[z,norm(cv(i,:)-s,2)]; if(rem(i,20)==0),imshow(reshape(v(:,i),112,92)),end; drawnow; end [a,i]=min(z); subplot(122); imshow(reshape(v(:,i),112,92));title('Found!','FontWeight','bold','Fontsize',16,'color','red'); toc 我是个新手 帮我解释一下下 每一行matlab语句代表意思 这些函数 和 矩阵变换是什么?
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