From: Intransition on 10 Apr 2010 18:38 Just released Facets 2.8.3. Release notes are below. This release should be the last in the 2.8.x series. The next release, in fact, will be 3.0 as Facets will be making the transition of a modular design instead of adding extension methods directly into core classes. Please let me know if you have any thoughts/concerns about this. Release Notes =========== This release makes a few adjustments in Kernel core extensions, adds a few new extensions, plus some additions, and other small improvements. Probably the biggest change is the addition of Recusor, which is created via Enumerable#recursive. This class is somewhat like Enumerator and provides a number of recursive methods. Be sure to note the couple of extensions that have been renamed as those are the most likely to cause issues when upgrading. Changes: * 9 New Core Extensions * Enumerable#recursive provides a number of other recursive methods. * Enumerable#visit can be used to recursively iterate any Enumerable. * Module#set has been added (from Sinatra). * Symbol#/ is added to be like String#/. * Struct#to_h is added and will ultimately replace Struct#attributes. * ObjectSpace#reflect routes method calls to Kernel context. * Hash#to_module converts a hash to mixin module (Jay Fields). * Kernel#dup! is same as #try_dup from extlib. * Add File#ext which is a useful variation of #extname (Lavir the Whiolet). * 3 Core Extensions Renamed * renamed #set_from to #assign_from (but kept #set_from as alias while Kernel#set is considered). * rename #populate to #assign and improved. * Kernel#instance_vars is now Kernel#instance, and also more useful. * 1 Core Deprecation * Removed #instance_eval hack. * 2 Core Bug Fixes * #map_with_index now uses #each_with_index. * #to_proc_with_response spelling correction. * 1 Core Adjustment * Aliased #metadef to #meta_def. * 3 New More Libraries * casting_hash.rb provides CastingHash class, a hash with flexible keys and values. * prepend.rb allows for AOP-like inclusion of modules. * roman.rb provides simple roman numeral extensions to String and Integer. * 5 More Improvements * Pathname#visit for iterating all entries beneath a path (chikamichi). * Pathname#to_str, b/c Pathname is basically a type of String (from extlib). * Range#at_rand in random.rb handles Float ranges (Lavir the Whiolet). * FileUtils#cp_rx provides controlled copies. * Stash class in stash.rb is improved and is now available as a stand-alone library. * 2 More Deprecations * ioredirect.rb has been removed as IORedirect no longer worked. * plugin_manager.rb has been removed. Use 'plugin' gem instead.
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