From: David on
This error is being generated when attempting to do a Partition by Partition
Copy using WD Lifeguard tools 11.2.

Also see post titled "NTFS Partition Corrupts During BackUp.

All virus scans including Malwarebytes shows no viruses.

Anyone have any ideas what this is causing this problem
(Hardware/Software/OS) and how to correct?

From: FromTheRafters on
Both of your issues seem to me to be with the Western Digital
software and/or the environment (DR-DOS?) it uses.

Have you tried ?

"David" <dw85745NOT(a)> wrote in message
> This error is being generated when attempting to do a Partition by
> Partition Copy using WD Lifeguard tools 11.2.
> Also see post titled "NTFS Partition Corrupts During BackUp.
> All virus scans including Malwarebytes shows no viruses.
> Anyone have any ideas what this is causing this problem
> (Hardware/Software/OS) and how to correct?