From: John on

I've recently started development with a Philips LPC2103. I know Atmel
has a site,, which I found useful for AT91SAM stuff. I'm
looking for suggestions or recommendations on websites/forums that
discuss using the LPC21xx parts.

I did the Google search already but ended up at sites that archive "the
real" forums.

If it makes a difference, I'm planning on using the GNU toolchain
w/Eclipse and a Chameleon POD/OpenOCD for JTAG. I already have an
Olimex board with the 2103.


From: Tilmann Reh on
John schrieb:

> I've recently started development with a Philips LPC2103. I know Atmel
> has a site,, which I found useful for AT91SAM stuff. I'm
> looking for suggestions or recommendations on websites/forums that
> discuss using the LPC21xx parts.

Personally, I really dislike web forums - but there is a reasonably
active group on Yahoo: <>


-- - Elektronik nach Ma?.
From: Mad I.D. on
On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 08:39:55 GMT, John wrote:

I have Keil MCB2100 with LPC2129 ARM7TDMI microcontroller board.
There are not many sites with information about LPC.

yahoo lpc2000 group mostly.

Best bet is to ask here if you need something or don't undestand.
From: Eric on

John wrote:
> If it makes a difference, I'm planning on using the GNU toolchain
> w/Eclipse and a Chameleon POD/OpenOCD for JTAG. I already have an
> Olimex board with the 2103.

The author of OpenOCD is active in a forum with that name at the
Sparkfun web site (US distributer of Olimex products). Sparkfun is a
good company and they have other families of devices also.

The lpc2103 is very attractive (32 bit performance with a cost and
power consumption profile of an 8 or 16 bit processor). I really wish
they didn't get bought by an investment group with a mixed history,
though (I assume you know Philips Semiconductor is now NXP).

Philips always seemed to offer poor support to small companies and I
can't imagine that this will improve with their new owners. They always
seemed to have too few people handling customer service and those
limited resources were apparently targetted at their bigger customers.
However, the Yahoo lpc2000 group is very good. I wish some of the
posters there wouldn't check their manners at the door, though.

Atmel is quite different but they don't have any low-end Arm7 parts in
this category. I've been looking at Luminary lately...


From: Eric on
John wrote:

> It seems their AT91SAM32 is the "low-end". Fortunately with Philips in
> the game, the price on the AT91SAM parts has come down. They're now
> $5ish in 100 pcs quantities

Sounds good - it's worth a look. I bet they use more current than the
2103, but that's not an issue if you aren't using battery power.

> Anyway, I'd be interested to hear other minuses/pluses of the LPC parts.

Despite my negative comments about the company, the 2103 has a lot
going for it. It has high speed bit toggling (I think it's 3 or 4 times
faster than most Arm7's), and I think all lpc2000 devices have the MAM
that lets them run full speed from flash. The SAM devices run about
half speed from flash.

Although the lpc on-chip peripherals are simpler than those of the SAM,
that simplicity can be a good thing if you're in a hurry to get
something working.

I haven't compared the errata sheets, but I'd expect the SAM to have
more items there because their chips are generally more complex. But I
don't mean this as a slam against Atmel because every company has these
kinds of issues when they pack more stuff into the chip.

If you have a need for a battery powered Arm device, the lpc2103 is
your best bet today. If power isn't a concern and you just need a low
cost device, then compare the SAM32 against the 2103 and see how the
specs line up.
