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From: J G Miller on 29 Jun 2010 22:40 On Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 at 21:28:39h -0500, Ohmster asked: > What is "BackingStore"? <> > I cannot tell right now Is that because your web browser is broken? > User-Agent: Xnews/2009.05.01 > I am booted from FC13 live And you are using XNews with Wine on an FC-13 live DVD?
From: Ohmster on 5 Jul 2010 02:59 J G Miller <miller(a)yoyo.ORG> wrote in news:i0eaq7$k3u$1(a)news.eternal- > On Tuesday, June 29th, 2010 at 21:28:39h -0500, Ohmster asked: > >> What is "BackingStore"? > > <> Ohh, thank you. This is something I never knew about. I always appreciate these tips. >> I cannot tell right now > > Is that because your web browser is broken? No, I didn't have the link or ever heard that term before. >> User-Agent: Xnews/2009.05.01 >> I am booted from FC13 live > > And you are using XNews with Wine on an FC-13 live DVD? Not currently, but I do run xnews from wine in Xwindows. At least I did in an older redhat and it worked just fine. (I am going to go clean, but want to back up this current OS as it is still quite functional and the test server I use it for in Dreamweaver is something I would need back rather quickly. (Samba being used with Win7 box on LAN.) No, I don't have it setup currently, but with the right 6 files from XP, Xnews works quite well in wine. Mike Dee and I worked on that for quite a while and we got it really working good. Here you go, these screenshot are all mine: Thanks for the help, Mr. Miller. -- ~Ohmster | ohmster59 /a/t/ gmail dot com Put "messageforohmster" in message body (That is Message Body, not Subject!) to pass my spam filter.
From: J G Miller on 5 Jul 2010 13:10 On Mon, 05 Jul 2010 01:59:43 -0500, Ohmster wrote: > Ohh, thank you. This is something I never knew about. I always > appreciate these tips. You are welcome. And here is another tip. If you come across a new term which you do not understand, try firing up your web browser, going to your favorite search engine, entering appropriate search term eg X server backing store and then have a look at some of the matches. Such a search returns as the very first match Xlib Programming Manual: Window Attributes: Backing Store The backing store advises the X server on what to do with the contents of a window If you then do not understand what that means, then post your question to the news group. > Not currently, but I do run xnews from wine in Xwindows. There is no such thing as X windows. There is Microsoft Windows (tm) and there is the X11 Windowing system, X for short. I get the impression that you do not in fact use GNU/Linux to ever read or post to UseNet. > No, I don't have it setup currently, but with the right 6 > files from XP, Xnews works quite well in wine. Is there a good reason why you do not use Pan or XPN under GNU/Linux? Why use proprietary Microsoft software under WINE, when there is a perfectly good open software native program available with your GNU/Linux system? > don't have it setup currently, but with the right 6 files from XP, > Xnews works quite well in wine. With FC6 back in Aug 04 2007. The world has moved on considerably since then ;) > Thanks for the help, Mr. Miller. Remember, the important thing is to ask clear, concise relevant questions, and not to bury them in a page of rambling details. That way everybody can deal with the questions in a more effective manner. As you seem to be lacking in knowledge and understand in how to make backups, may I suggest you consult this document <> Also, for using tar, please try reading the output of info tar for getting an understanding of how to use it to create and unpack archives. In the simplest form which you should have no problem in using or remembering on future occasions tar cvzf {path_to_file}/file.tar.gz source_directory c - create v - verbose z - compress with gzip f - output file and to extract tar xvzf {patch_to_file}/file.tar.gz x - extract v - verbose z - uncompress with gzip f - input file which unpacks the input file and puts the contents relative to the the current directory. Hope that helps.
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